
What Are 5 Ways Divorce Attorneys Can Boost Their Practices, FAST?
What you’ll learn in this article;
Fast Ways to boost your new client acquisition
FREE Ways to boost business
Smart ways you may not have thought of
How to better Utilize your admin staff to boost your marketing
Let’s see
First and foremost, if you want to increase your new client intake- you should have a well thought out website. Not just one that looks good- one that works for you. One that speaks to your clients- that answers their questions.
What we often see when visiting attorney websites is language similar to this: “We can do it!” “We are the best divorce law firm in Queens”, and on and on. Honestly- nobody cars about what you say about yourself- nobody.
You need to address your prospects’ urgent needs in order to convert them. Warm it up, folks! Make sure you have a ton of FAQs on your website- in plain sight- in plain English! No legalese on your website!
Look at the language on your website like this: you’re marketing to non-lawyers, not making a motion for summary judgement to the court!
Google My Business Page Optimization- you read it right: optimization. Yes, you can optimize your GMB page, and you should. Absolutely! Why? You’re probably thinking it’s just for reviews, right? Wrong!
Your Google Business Page is like a second website. A FREE second website that can potentially bring you more business than your actual website. A client of ours is getting upwards of seven thousand views a month just on his firm’s google my business page. From there, people visit his website, then call for a free consultation. Some skip the step of going to his website and just call right from his google page. Done!
Free ways to boost your business; post on social media. You’re thinking, “He’s probably going to say Facebook”, right? Nahh, FB has had it. You can’t get any reach unless you pay for ads- and in my opinion- for the most part they are ineffective. Think about it- there people are, wasting their time looking at cat pictures and talking about what they had for lunch- and you come along and interrupt them with an important message. How dare you?! The best place to talk about your craft is a local online newspaper. If you contact the editor and ask for an op-ed type of column where you can discuss timely legal matters- they might give you a play. I’m sure that a local newspaper with even 10,000 readers will help more than the 3 people you reached on Facebook.
Smart ways divorce attorneys can boost their businesses: give to local charities like dog rescue, domestic violence shelters, child abuse clinics. The best way to do this is to search for non-profits in your area that have a sponsors’ page on their website. Then go to the sponsors page and see how it lists the donors. Usually, they will have your logo and it is clickable, which means when a person clicks on it, it takes them to your website. This is called a backlink, by the way. So by doing this you are doing a good deed for the community and receiving recognition which can lead to…leads.
How to utilize your admin staff to help you; well, here’s one for you. Ask them, while they’re on the clock and have some downtime (no calls coming in, no filing etc.) to go onto their social media and talk about your firm a little bit. Ask them to use your web address, when appropriate. The reason for this is that google picks up on this and registers it as social signals, thereby improving your SEO. The more traffic you get to your website, the greater your chances are of moving up in the search results.
Schedule a free meetup in your office after business hours. Or you can find a local venue to do it in. The people who might consider coming have two things on their minds- their urgent divorce questions, and what’s to eat?! Yes, offering free food is a must. Stop looking at this as an expense. How much do you get for a retainer or 1 new client? $3,500? So, what if you spend $2,000 on the venue and the food, and end up with 3 new clients? If you’re worth your weight in salt, this should be easy-peasy.
Not sure what to talk about? Camera shy? No problem. The people who show up will have an endless array of questions. All you have to do is listen and give thoughtful answers, you know, like you do every day at your free ZOOM consults. Oh, and have your staff come to the meeting as well. Invite, of course, not mandatory.
That’s it! That’s your free marketing consult- now go out and get ‘em! And make sure to invite your Law Firm SEO Agency to the party- they like good food too!