
A Varactor Diode is a p-n-junction diode that mayhave its internal capacitance changed by applying reverse bias voltage. In thereverse bias condition, the varactor diode operates. It's also known as avoltCap diode or a Varicap diode since it indicates variable capacitance.Because its function is regulated by the applied voltage, the varactor diode isa voltage-controlled device, which means that its output is dependent on theinput voltage given. Charges are stored using varactor or varicap diodes.
Diodes are electronic components that allow electrons totravel in just one direction. Diodes are two-terminal semiconductor devicesthat are primarily used to protect electronic circuits by managing voltage andconverting AC to DC. Although there are many different types of diodes, theyall have the same basic structure, which is sandwiching a p-type materialbetween two n-type materials. They are further classified into rectifierdiodes, Zener diodes, Light-emitting diodes (LED'S), Schottky diodes, VaractorDiode, and so on, depending on the requirement and their characteristicnature Readmore