
Use artificial intelligence to improve lead conversion rate – RAP Success
Today’s real estate agents face enormous obstacles tomaintain a consistent revenue stream — market dynamics and growing competitionfrom other agents and digital alternatives are a constant threat. RAP SuccessSystems (RAPSS) simplifies and reduces the agent’s workload, providingimmediate access to essential database management resources.
With all the technology choices out there, it’s importantthat agents try to find the most advanced and affordable solutions that can beeasily deployed while meeting their market demands. Specific focus should beplaced on three key frustrations faced by real estate agents:
- Wasted time working leads who are just tire kickers vs. those truly ready to make a move.
- Inefficient spend of marketing dollars that were meant to convert leads.
- Missed opportunities in a highly competitive, fast-paced industry.
Agents who face these challenges will find a solution in thepredictive technology employed by Real Database Pro, the latest service beingoffered by RAPSS.
Overall, agents spend a lot of money generating leads. Thenthey spend even more money working those leads or paying an ISA to work them.And many put just as much energy and time into cold leads as they do for warmand hot leads. How much more effective would they be if agents had a“move-readiness” score for insight before they worked the leads? You canimagine the dramatic improvement agents could achieve in their bottom line ifthey spent time and money more efficiently on scored leads.
Fortunately for agents, today there is artificialintelligence powered by advanced algorithms to find the “most-likely” movers.
Through its Real Database Pro platform, Rap Success Systemis the first all-in-one real estate marketing service company to give agentsthe opportunity to build a SMART database using predictive analytics to helpimprove their bottom line. The powerful “most-likely mover” predictiontechnology automates the painstaking process agents normally go through touncover opportunities who are ready to take action now.
Imagine knowing, within a small margin of error, when yourpast clients, your new internet leads, or geo-targeted data are most likely tobuy or sell a home. This is now possible utilizing the “Social Score” featureof the technology.
RAPSS leverages intelligent software along with othertechnologies to deliver a done-for-you solution to real estate agents. Throughthese technology-stack strategies, RAPSS offers unparalleled features andsupport, including database aggregation, consolidation and optimizationcapabilities that address the most demanding market dynamics.
The Real Database Pro platform also fills a void whereagents have been unable to stop the bleeding of lost sales from a poorlymanaged lead database. With RAPSS, agents can feel confident knowing there is aclear path to managing and optimizing their entire sales funnel, including LeadGeneration and Lead Conversion. Simply put, they can close more deals.
2019 RAP Success
Cole Realty