
Types of Ecommerce

Ecommerce is the act of transferring goods and money over the web. There also are different types of e-commerce. Transactions and terms of sale are done electronically once you are attached to eCommerce together with your online business. B2B is one sort of e-commerce. This is often when online businesses do business with each other. An honest example would be when manufacturers sell to wholesalers. The costs are often negotiable and based upon the quantities of the orders. Business to commerce, or B2C, is another sort of eCommerce. This is often when a business sells to the general public generally like catalog orders. The handcartsoftware is employed during this sort of transaction also. Whatever you would like is often wiped out literally minutes once you utilize the assistance of e-commerce. C2B, or consumer to ecommerce business model, is another type. It involves consumers posting a project online with a group budget in mind. Companies then review the project and bid thereon. There are some popular sites online where much of this sort of e-commerce is completed. These sites empower these consumers to seek out people for his or her jobs and the other way around. They supply a viable platform and meeting ground for consumers and businesses. Consumer to consumer, or C2C, is yet one more sort of eCommerce. This is often like eBay sites love it. it's when a site lists various items to be auctioned or sold amongst consumers. Person to person transactions is happening since 1995 and there has been much success during this arena of eCommerce.