
Traumatic brain injury can typically influence every aspect of your life. Once you recover from the early symptoms of brain injury, you may continue to experience lifelong problems and permanent degeneration. With moderate to severe brain injury, you may become paralyzed and unable to return to work and activities that you enjoyed previously.
Some people fail to seek treatment for brain injury because they do not see their symptoms. Getting a diagnosis instantly can help you recover faster and prevent your injury from getting worse.
It is crucial to note that you do not have to lose consciousness to recover from injury to your brain. So, having an experienced Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Dallas Texas will also increase your chances of winning your case and receiving more compensation than you can do on your own.
What Causes Traumatic Brain Injury?
The four most common causes of brain-related trauma are:
Unintentional fall
Vehicle crashes
Beatings in other ways
Unintentional falls and car accidents account for more than 50% of TBI-related hospitalizations. Alternative assaults and other incidents of assault are around the top four categories of TBI-related causes.
How much do you need to pay to hire a Personal Injury Attorney?
Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer of Dallas never charges legal fees in advance or litigation costs for personal injury claims we handle. So, you will not need to hack into your savings account to get their help.
They handle these cases with an emergency payment, which means they wait until the end of the case and get paid a percentage of the fine or the judge's prize. They do ask for payment until you receive compensation.
Because they handle these cases with emergency payment, you could say they bet our salary that your case will be a winner. Also, this cash plan means they have a financial incentive to get you every dollar you deserve.
Risks involved in case you are not hiring a Personal Injury Attorney
There are many risks to managing your injury case as a DIY project. Unless you go to law school, have extensive experience handling personal injury claims, and access a database that provides information about judges' decisions on personal injury cases, you will have severe cons if you want to fight your case without a TBI attorney.
Lowball settlement offers
The insurance company knows how much the judge in your area can give you, but you should not expect them to offer any near that amount of compensation to you for your loss. Many people who do not work with a brain injury lawyer in Houston on their injury claim later find out they should have received more money. So, it’s better to have an attorney by your side.
No limitations
The law restricts the time you have to register a lawsuit in court seeking compensation for damages incurred due to someone else's negligence.
If you move to pass the deadline, the law can permanently prevent you from arresting someone who does not care about your loss. By getting help from a brain injury lawyer from the start, you can dodge miseries such as missing the limitation.
Simply negotiating with the insurance company's claims arbitrator does not satisfy the deadline. If not resolved before the deadline, you must file a case to protect your right to claim compensation.
Sometimes, people who handle their claims and do not know about the limit system get tricked into missing the deadline. They believe that the insurance firm is working with them honestly, but in reality, it is a strategy to delay the withdrawal of the case until the time limit has expired.
Severe brain injury often requires extensive medical intervention, rehabilitation, and ongoing care, leading to dramatic medical costs associated with salary loss. This combination can put a lot of financial burden on you and your family members.
If someone else has caused your brain injury (TBI) due to negligence or misconduct, you may have the privilege to receive compensation for brain injury. A Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers can assess your case and explain the legal remedies that may get available.