
I have used many compact utility tractors in four years of private farming. I started with a small one I bought from old tractors for sale. It came with a drum braking, the CAT-0 type hitch. It was all that I had the use for at the time but over time I felt the need for a better utility tractor with better features. The next of the compact utility tractors I bought was a decently powered machine but it was not fuel-efficient at all. I managed with it for a while, started looking for something better as I realized there was so much I wanted to do at my farm. But by this time I only the budget to buy only one more of the tractors.
I started looking online for some old compact tractors with front-end-loader so that I could finally change the landscape of lawn, possible dig a pond there, I have had always wanted one. The online search landed me amongst these very expensive compact utility tractors that were featured with all I wanted and more, the only lack was that in my pocket. When I search for old tractors for sale with afront-end-loader but these too came expensive to my surprise.
Well, what else could I have done but keep searching online for compact utility tractors for sale? But to my luck, I finally came across a utility tractor that fit my budget and requirements so well that I was sold before even trying my hands on it, the Solis S26. Offered with the option for a factory-made front-end-loader, it is one of the most efficient and affordable compact utility tractors with a front-end-loader.
Other than that, the utility tractor has been fitted with a 3-cylinder Mitsubishi Diesel engine that delivers a powerful26HP. At the back, it is fitted with a CAT-0 type hitch with 3-point linkage which is an industry-standard for compact utility tractors in the market. The buyer can easily attach any implement to this utility tractor given that they come with a Category-0 type hinge. The engine is one of the most fuel-efficient in the market.
What’s best is its lifting capacity of 500 kg. I was able to dig not just a pond but also the entire foundation for a pool at my property. The power-packed machine handled the weight well and efficiently enough for me to be able to complete the whole project within a limited time period. I would say of all the compact utility tractors I have used at my field, Solis S26 has been the most efficient performer of all.
What impressed was this was one of the few compact utility tractors that come with a ROPS (Roll-Over-Protection System) ora roll-bar. Most of the tractor accidents occur due to rolling over, a ROPS is a re-assuring feature I personally cherish. The overall drive and feel of the compact utility tractor are also good, users will experience a comforting ride its engine is very quiet, and the turning radius very low. My private farm is almost a narrow field where I can barely manage to bring any types of equipment, the low turning radius of this utility tractor allows me easy of maneuverability I had never experienced before.
Overall, with the option for a front –end-loader, featuring a powerful engine, and a ROPS, this compact tractor is among the best deals one can go for in the market. I was truly impressed by the kinds of ofutility and technical aspects that have been paid attention to this compact tractor. To conclude my review, I would this compact utility tractor by Solisis an ideal machine in priced appropriately.