
Radiotherapyis used by medical personnel to destroy tumor cells by radiating them. It isone of the most effective ways to eliminate cancer. Top radiotherapy companieshave been designing the best equipment that helps in fighting against cancer.
What is radiation therapy?
The treatment of disease with ionizing radiation is called radiation therapy.Radiation therapy is a local treatment that is used to treat cancer cells onlyin the affected area. Due to its high precision and accurate results, it haspaved the way for mainstream action of radiotherapy companies.
Radiationeither comes from a machine (external radiation) or from an implant (a smallcontainer of radioactive material) placed directly into or near the tumor(internal radiation). Radiotherapy companies offer the best services topatients. It must be noted that some patients need only one kind of therapy astreatment whereas some receive both kinds of radiation therapy.
Growth factors of radiotherapyindustry
Thegrowing prevalence of cancer patients all over the globe and the risinggeriatric population is expected to drive the radiotherapy companies’ marketover the next couple of years. Also, growth in the adoption of variousradiotherapy devices, procedures and technological advancements in the industryexpects a boost to this market in the coming years.
Accordingto Global Radiotherapy Companies’ MarketReport, this market was valued at USD 5.32 billion in 2018 and is projected toreach USD7.22 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 3.90% from 2019 to 2026.
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Top 9 radiotherapy companiesfighting against cancer
Varian envisions to build a world without cancer. It is dedicatedto building the most sophisticated line of radiotherapy equipment to helpcancer patients across the globe. This company has been offering the bestradiotherapy services for more than 7 decades now.
For about fifty years, Elekta has been an innovator inimproving radiation medication. Its team of 4,000 representatives, globally,are focused on guaranteeing everybody on the planet with malignant growth approaches.Elekta delivers customized radiotherapy medicines. It is one of the majorbrands in the European market of radiotherapy companies. This Swedishorganization is added on NASDAQ Stockholm Exchange also.
Accuray is an American company that set foot in the radiotherapycompanies’ segment in 1999. It is a radiation oncology organization thatcreates, fabricates and sells inventive tumor therapy arrangements that set thenorm of care to help patients live better lives. The organization’s servicesinclude radiation treatment and radiosurgery therapies.
Mevion is a main supplier of proton treatment frameworks for usein radiation therapy for cancer patients. Mevion is headquartered in Littleton,Massachusetts, with global workplaces in the United Kingdom and Japan and ajoint endeavor in China. It is one of the fastest growing enterprises in theradiotherapy companies’ market. It was founded in 2004.
ViewRay plans, produces, and markets the radiation treatmentframework to address the critical restrictions of existing external radiationtreatment methods. It utilizes MRI-based innovation to give continuous imagingthat unmistakably characterizes the focus on tumor (from the encompassingdelicate tissue and other basic organs during radiation therapy). ViewRay keepson upgrading its product portfolio to match with latest market trends ofradiotherapy companies’ market delivering products and services globally.
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Isoray energetically plans and creates customized brachytherapyproducts that adequately treat numerous types of diseases. It has been spearheadinganswers for improving patients’ life internationally.
Hitachi is one of the oldest brands that has been offeringworld-class medical equipment to treat patients across the globe. It is alsoregarded as one of the founding members of the radiotherapy companies’ segment.Since its inception, it has been steering the global medical industry toenhance the quality of medical care.
C.R. Bard
C.R. Bard is a part of Becton Dickinson. It is anAmerican multinational medical technology company. It is leading the medicalsector by improving medical discovery, diagnostics and the delivery of care.Bard offers unique and innovative radiotherapy solutions for helping patientsto recover faster.
Panacea Medical Technologies
Panacea Medical Technologies is aninnovation-driven organization which produces top-tier clinical hardware tomeet the present radiotherapy and radiology needs. It has the ability toimprove existing radiotherapy services in a cost-effective manner.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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