
Parking is one of the most important parts oftransportation. It helps in inconveniently keeping the vehicles at a particularlocation. Due to growing urbanization across the globe, megacities are takinghelp from parking management systems. Parking management can be consideredas an intelligent system that helps in planning land use patterns.
It is a convenient and efficient method tohandle the growing parking problems. Parking management systemsalso guide in making proper land use planning models. It saves a lot oftime and capital of the local governing bodies.
Increasing number of vehicles across theglobe, rising smartphone penetration and the availability of mobile applications(with characteristics that help operators travel car park spaces) are acting asthe major growth factors of the global parking management systems’market.
Parking management provides additional spaceto hold extra vehicles with a smart parking system, mechanical parking, usingthe laws, policies, and programs. By providing more assembled construction andbuildings located closer to sidewalks and streets, parking management systemshelp create more walkable areas.
It is one of the best inventions of the 21stcentury that offers actionable recommendations for improving the parking areas.Parking management can decrease the total street area and incorporate designfeatures such as landscaping and shading that reduce storm-water flow, waterpollution, and solar heat gain.
The local management policies are differentacross the globe. Thus, the parking management systems help in improvising asper the local rules and guidelines. These systems are especially designed todecrease the demand for parking subsidies, increase travel options fornon-drivers, provide financial savings to lower-income households, and increasehousing affordability.
It is one of the most advanced solutions tothe emerging problems associated with urbanizations, increasing vehicles andgrowing population. The parking management systems’ market is coming intolimelight because of an increment in the number of vehicles across theglobe.
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Dueto land scarcity and heavy usage of parking spots, the market of leadingparking management companies is escalating faster than other industries. Thesystems are designed to help individuals in overseeing city framework. It helpsin improving area utilization techniques along with improving income for thepublic authority.
Therising smartphone penetration and the availability of mobile applications withcharacteristics that help operators travel car park spaces are further expectedto drive the growth of the market over the forecast period. According to Global Parking ManagementSystems’ Market Report, this market was valued at USD 3.27 billion in 2019. Analysts projected itsvalue to reach USD 6.15 billion by 2027. This market is growing at a CAGR of 8.22 % from 2020to 2027. This shows that thismarket will continue to expand at an exponential rate at internationallevel.
Top 7 parking management systemsin the world
XeroxCorporation is a very famous name across the globe. It offers a widerange of products and services to its customers. It is a leading technologycompany that focuses on merging digital and physical worlds. Its intelligentwork solutions are considered to be the best in the parking managementcompanies’ segment.
Withover 25 years in the parking business, T2 Systems continues to explore new methods tosolve the existing problems. T2 is known for diffusing innovation withframeworks to give incredible, superior, and secure parking-relatedsolutions.
Cleverciti is dedicated to offeringsmart parking solutions to smart cities. It is one of the most advancedorganizations in the list of parking management systems. The brand is known fordelivering robust and highly reliable solutions that enhance convenience.
SKIDATA has the biggest networkto offer the best in-class products and services to global customers. Theystand out with exceptional design as well as intuitive ease of use and a highlevel of reliability.
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Nolist of automation and smart technology is complete without the additionof IBM. Since its inception, thecompany has steered the world with the latest innovations. It has achieved manymajor milestones using its world-class R&D division. It offers an extensiverange of services that are considered to be the best in the world. Along withthis, the multinational company joins hands with different enterprises forimproving the existing parking management systems’ market.
RoboticParking Systems
Robotic Parking Systems is a two time winnerfor the Largest Automated Parking Facility in the world. This has been added inthe Guinness World Records. This company is the first to build andutilize simultaneously operating robots for parking using three axisindependent motions.
Amano Corporation is a world classmanufacturer with more than 100 years of experience in time clocks and time andattendance systems. Amano Cincinnati, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amano USAHoldings, Inc. It has one of the best and largest technologies in the globalparking management systems’ market. It offers a complete package of parkingmanagement solutions to its global customers.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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