Top 5 Ways to Increase Crop Yield With Latest Technology
Top 5 Ways to Increase Crop Yield With Latest Technology
Crop yield is a standard that defines the agricultural production harvested per unit of land area. Furthermore, crop yield is the benchmark that is often observed for cereals, legumes or grains. In different parts of the world, the agricultural output is measured in pounds, bushels, and tons per acre.

What is Crop Yield? Why It's So Important to Achieve?

Crop yield helps define how farm efficiency has increased over time. Also, how efficiently a given land is utilised to produce food or other agricultural commodities. The latest farming methods and powerful farm mechanisation solutions play a key role in sustaining and increasing crop yield.


So get your farmtrac 45 ready, as we will unfold the top ways to increase crop yield.


How to Increase Crop Yield? Advance Methods Decoded


Crop yield is the measurement of output produced from a given plot or farm field. So, let’s ponder over some methods that can help increase crop yield.


  1. Increase the Quality of Seeds


Crops' productivity cannot be guaranteed if the quality of the seeds is not right.


The crop yield depends on the quality of seeds you put to use. Therefore, farmers must use good-quality seeds that have passed all quality control tests. It is beneficial to use certified seeds as they are guaranteed to give good output during harvest. Though they may cost higher than non-certified seeds, the result would be worth it. 


Farmers can contact the seeds company to check the quality of seeds or test the land area to advise the suitable seeds. And they can use powerful tractors like farmtrac 60 powermaxx and the latest seed drill machines to improve the process, efficiency, and productivity.


Adding on, using quality seeds doesn’t guarantee protection from pests, plant diseases, and other ailments. So, this is important to use seed treatment methods alongside as follow:


  • Fortification

  • Separation of viable seeds

  • Hardening

  • Infusion


  1. Monitor Crop Growth via Remote Sensing


Crops from the planting to the harvesting stage should be closely monitored. Monitoring plant growth/health helps check any plant diseases or pest infestations that can deter crop yield.


With satellite monitoring of crop fields or farms, it is possible to detect the plant growth status. Moreover, with remote sensing, it is possible to get updated information on the crop growth status and any interventions around it.


EOSDA crop monitoring helps provide data on daily temperature and the overall growth status of the crop. Furthermore, this data helps farmers take well-weighted decisions to ensure crop quality.


The tool provides various indices that help gather valuable data. These indices can be:


  • Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index

  • Normalised Difference Vegetation Index

  • Normalised Difference Red Edge Index


  1. Streamline Irrigation System


A streamlined watering and irrigation system is important to increase the average crop yield/acre. With precision irrigation, farmers can predict the pattern to irrigate their land ahead. 


Today various special apps and software are available that give weather forecasts and inform farmers about what’s unfolding next. 


  1. Preparing the Land Well


Stirring and ploughing the land well is important to make it suitable for sowing and planting. Therefore, preparing the land with powerful tractors like Swaraj 742 can help farmers:


  • Efficiently plant and sow seeds for better harvest

  • Mix soil nutrients for better plant growth

  • Achieve maximum output from minimum/less tillage


  1. Choose Efficient Harvesting Tools


Harvesting crops safely is important to increase crop yield. Sometimes mishandling can cause crop wastage and inefficient collection of grains. Moreover, using the latest post-harvest farming implements with powerful tractor machinery like Eicher 380 can help plan crops' safe extraction, collection and storage.