
Slip and fall victims are known to "browse around" until they discover the appropriate legal fit. In some ways, you should interview your attorney before agreeing to work professionally with them. As a result, you'll be able to move quickly from case review to settlement award.
There are a lot of attorneys who claim themselves experts, when it comes to handling personal injury cases such as slip and fall accidents. But rather than trusting their claim, it is advised to do the homework before hiring them so that you have the best person to represent you.
This article highlights the five crucial questions to ask a slip and fall injury lawyer.
Ask for years of experience they have in practicing personal injury law
One of your main priorities should be to find a qualified lawyer with many years of trial experience in cases like yours.
Consider your lawyer's legal experience in the same manner that you would your doctor's. You're more likely to see a foot specialist than your primary care physician if you have an issue with your right foot. While a generalist will understand your situation, a specialist will be able to provide you with the best care available.
When speaking with a slip and fall injury attorney, be straightforward. Inquire about their expertise in handling slip and fall injury cases similar to yours.
Expert slip and fall injury attorneys Fort Worth have years of experience dealing with similar cases. Their expertise will help you immensely and get you the compensation you deserve.
Have you handled cases identical to mine before?
Just because an attorney worked on similar cases doesn't mean they're the best lawyer. You want someone who has successfully prosecuted similar cases in the past multiple times.
Assume an attorney slip and fall injury Texas shows you a list of cases with similar outcomes to yours. In that instance, you'll know they've dealt with complex legal situations and are familiar with the types of settlements they've obtained for previous clients.
Additionally, if the matter goes to court, ensure your lawyer has sufficient jury trial experience. Learning about the trial experience of an attorney is often ignored by many.
It is a common misunderstanding that all lawyers know how to try a case in court, and it isn't the case at all. So, before hiring the attorney, ensure that your attorney knows how to fight a lawsuit in court.
How will you keep me updated?
How should I reach out to you? How often will you reach out to me? Would you connect with me, or will it be a paralegal or your secretary?
Every relationship needs communication, and a personal injury case is no different. Some victims desire to be involved at every stage of the process, while others are fine with receiving only periodic updates on their case's progress. Everyone is different.
Regardless of your choice, you should clarify with your attorney slip and fall injury Texas what role you play in the process and what you need to do.
Whether you want to be more involved in the process and have frequent meetings and phone calls, or you prefer to remain on the sidelines, you should think about how your relationship will develop if you collaborate.
How much time of yours will you provide to my case?
If you've been seriously injured, you'll want to ensure that your lawyer is capable of giving your case the time and attention it deserves.
Ask questions that will help you determine the person who would be handling your case primarily. Will it be held by a senior attorney or by less experienced associates? Ask about their training, experience, and supervision if it's the latter.
Finally, you want to feel secure knowing that expert slip and fall injury attorneys Fort Worth are working on a suitable case—your case.
How much do you charge?
Most personal injury attorneys in the US take cases on a contingency fee basis. This implies that you won't have to make any payments until your personal injury case yields financial compensation.
You don't have to pay any legal fees up ahead when you hire a lawyer on a contingency fee basis. After the case settlement, your personal injury lawyer will take a specific portion of the awarded money.
To Conclude:
Slip and fall injuries can be unpleasant, but they can also leave scarring, psychological discomfort, and other long-term health issues. If you were wounded in a slip and fall injury due to someone else's negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for your losses.
However, because the rules governing personal injuries are often complex, you'll need the help of a qualified slip and fall injury lawyer to file a claim and obtain the maximum compensation you deserve.