Tips of Remote Working for Employers
Tips of Remote Working for Employers
More and more employers are implementing the policy worked much today, both to save money and improve conditions for workers. There are several tips and solutions businesses can use, such as scanning documents and video conferencing to make remote work as effectively as possible.

Data Access

Obviously if teleworking will be effective for your company, staff will need to have access to the documents they need constantly. You will need to make sure you have an efficient IT system set up so that staff can access the network and email.

Applying scanning solution and effective document management system will mean that all staff have access to all the documents as and when they need it. Scanning solutions and document management systems also mean that some of the staff can access and/or collaborate on documents when they need to.

Keep in Touch

Even if they are working remotely, staying in touch with the staff. And remember, this should be about communicating as you would in the workplace, do not keep tabs! Use cost-effective remote work tools such as Skype, videoconferencing, webcams and instant messaging services, as well as standard email and phone.

Schedule in time to connect with the staff every week, if not more regularly than that.

Clearly What is Expected

Does the staff move to work remotely from a traditional office-based role or working from home from the start, you should be very clear to the staff about what is expected of them? Is there a target they are expected to achieve? Whether they will be expected to set working hours? The staff need clear guidance on all these issues as well as clear, regular feedback.

Do Not Forget Security

Stringent data security should be the same as if the staff who work in the office. The best option may be to provide staff with a computer for work purposes only. Make sure it is a policy agreement that firewall, anti-spyware and other controls all kept up to date. Remote staff should have access to IT support.

Health and Safety

Do not forget that employers still have a legal responsibility for the health and safety of remote workers. These include obligations such as risk assessment, provide the right equipment, testing of electrical equipment, ensure staff are well trained and checking ambient light level.