
Roots Analysis has done a detailedstudy on “Global Stem CellsMarket:Focus on Clinical Therapies, 2020–2030 (Based on Source (Allogeneic,Autologous); Origin (Adult, Embryonic); Type (Hematopoietic, Mesenchymal,Progenitor); Lineage (Amniotic Fluid, Adipose Tissue, Bone Marrow,Cardiosphere, Chondrocytes, Corneal Tissue, Cord Blood, Dental Pulp, NeuralTissue Placenta, Peripheral Blood, Stromal Cells); and Potency (Multipotent,Pluripotent))”covering key aspectsof the industry’s evolution and identifying potential future growthopportunities.
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Key Market Insights
§ Eminent representatives from differentbiopharmaceutical companies confirm the growing interest in stem cell therapy research,highlighting the prevalent and anticipated trends in ongoing R&D activities.
§ Morethan 120 industry players are engaged in evaluating the potential of over 280stem cell therapy products for the treatment of a variety of diseaseindications.
§ Thepipeline features a variety of marketed / clinical therapies being evaluatedacross different stages targeting various types of stem cells; these productsare designed for administration via diverse routes of administration.
§ Stemcell therapies have demonstrated the applicability across over 25 uniquetherapeutic areas; cardiovascular, neurological, musculoskeletal and autoimmune/ inflammatory disorders are presently the primary focus.
§ Severalorganizations have extended financial support to aid research efforts in thisdomain; the current focus is on the evaluation of different stem cell typesacross multiple clinical conditions.
§ In thelast few years, over 540 clinical trials, evaluating various types of stem celltherapies in more than 52,000 patients, have been initiated; most of thesetrials are presently being conducted in centers across the US.
§ Asseveral therapy candidates progress towards regulatory approval, developers areexploring diverse commercialization strategies to be implemented across differentstages of a product’s launch cycle.
§ Owing tothe rising demand for stem cell therapies, and challenges associated withmanufacturing and scale up, industry players have demonstrated preferences toengage the services of contract service providers.
§ Morethan 80 industry / non-industry players, based in different regions across theglobe, claim to provide contract development and manufacturing services tocater to the specific unmet needs of therapy developers.
§ Futuregrowth of the market is likely to be driven by the success of different typesof stem cell therapies, which are allogeneic and autologous in nature, asstakeholders continue to remain optimistic about proprietary products.
§ Theforeseen future market opportunity, based on the revenue generation potentialof such therapies, is anticipated to be distributed across differenttherapeutic areas, end-users and key geographical regions.
§ Productsbased on bone marrow derived adult stem cells are likely to continue todominate the market in the mid-long term; adoption of therapies administeredvia novel routes of administration is likely to gradually rise.
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Table of Contents
1.1. Scope of the Report
1.2. Research Methodology
1.3. Chapter Outlines
3.1. Chapter Overview
3.2. Overview of Stem Cell Therapies
3.2.1. HistoricalEvolution of Stem Cell Research