
When all of us were stuck within the bounds of our homes, several games helped us get through the boredom of it. From trivial games to UNO, to Call of Duty, and even True American, many of us tried our hand at different games and activities. It is no secret that games have had a reputation for having people lose the sense of their surroundings because they get so involved or having a negative impact on the minds of young children resulting in violent behaviors. But it is also true that games simulate modification senses to the skills development aspect of humans. Games do have the power to help people learn, train, and understand better the modules that will upskill them, and gamification in HR is actually a pretty smart move
When you have the power to shape up the skill and performance of your workforce all the while keeping them engaged by merely having them play games, why wouldn’t you? Gamification has proven time and again that flipping the coin and using the same attribute in a different way for a distinct cause can result in phenomenal outcomes. Working a 9-hour shift and then having to study to gain trending credits and knowledge can be tiresome and quite toiling. Gamification can relax employees while upgrading them with the “in” skills and ace the process of engagement, learning, and development.
According to an article on Medium, 90% of employees feel more productive when using gamification.
Some employees lack motivation when working which can lead to reduced productivity. Now, low motivation doesn’t necessarily equate to incompetent employees. It just means, they need a boost that will jolt their motivation levels, and what better way to do that than have them play productivity-boosting games?
How is gamification revolutionizing the HRtech industry?
There is not one, but hundreds and thousands of specific simulant games that are now available in the hrtech marketplace. Each of these games has a different cause and effect, but they all lead to one common outcome, an enhanced workforce.
The Game Agency, which was recently named to the 2020 Top Training Companies™ list for the learning experience platform (LXP) sector of the learning and development (L&D) market for its flagship product “The Training Arcade” offers a variety of different arbitrary games. The training tools in the form of games are extremely light on the pocket but deliver highly long-lasting results. Gamers compete to jump to the Leaderboard and imply dominance, earn points by recording the right answers, streaks for decision making, speedy responses, concluding stances, and many other adrenaline rushing stimulants. Employees move on to higher levels with an increase in their performance and newly imbibed skills that are meant to train and develop them in a multifaceted manner.
Having a workforce that is engaged and wallowed in your organization and its tasks is a must for any successful business. What is one supposed to do when the employees are farther from engagement and feel like they have to work because it is indispensable? Create an employee engagement plan and integrate gamification in the day-to-day activities of your employees. Eloops, the employee engagement platform promotes gamification by delivering a coin-based application that has a couple of modules and units such as news sharing, like and comment, and quizzes, which, when played, results in achievement of coins which can be encashed if the company takes a decision in favor it. Employees can also share these coins as a token to recognition to their peers. Rewards generally are decided upon by the organization using the app. Employees can use the app to engage over it instead of scrolling through other social media channels.
Employers are about the health of their employees now more than ever. Sitting at home is leading to people not putting in as much effort in staying fit, which again can cause several health issues. FIXHealth has a game that is now being used by employers to contribute to employee fitness and wellness. The game is called “The Outbreak” which is a 6-week fitness challenge where gamers have to survive a zombie outbreak, played in teams. Employees have to move around to protect themselves, which means, they will be seen counting steps and exercising to go to the next or become a zombie.
Companies such as PwC, Cisco, Ford, and many others are integrating gamification in their employee management activities while adding on to their tech stack.
It is time that organizations realize that outmoded practices won’t do them any good, whereas gamification will. Intelligent measures are delivering amplified results and employers are leaning towards the same. It will be candy land when gamification is embraced by employers in today’s world for the development of the present and future workforce.
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