
Roots Analysis has done a detailedstudy on “Oligonucleotide Synthesis, Modification and PurificationServices Market: Focus onResearch, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications, 2020-2030” covering key aspects of theindustry’s evolution and identifying potential future growth opportunities.
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Key Market Insights
§ More than 80companies currently claim to offer manufacturing related services, at differentscales of operations, for a variety of oligonucleotide-based products
§ A wide range ofservices related to the synthesis, modification and purification ofoligonucleotides, are currently offered within a fragmented service providerlandscape that is mostly concentrated in the developed geographies
§ In order to cater tothe growing needs of clients / sponsors, companies have established presenceacross different regions; the US and some European nations have emerged ascurrent hubs for oligonucleotide production
§ Players involved in this domain are steadily expanding theircapabilities in order to enhance their respective service portfolios andthereby, achieve an edge over competing firms
§ Service providers are activelyinvesting in expansion projects to upgrade existing capabilities and capacity;several partnerships, mostly focused on offering manufacturing and supplyservices, have been forged
§ Over the past fewyears, more than 270 trials of oligonucleotide-based interventions, acrossvarious phases of development and to treat a diverse range of diseases, havebeen registered across different centers worldwide
§ Most of the global, annual oligonucleotide manufacturing capacitybelongs to established service providers, accounting for over 80% of availablecapacity across various geographies
§ The demand formanufacturing of oligonucleotide-based products is expected to increase in thecoming years; we believe that the stakeholders may have to expand theirrespective capacities to ensure consistent supply
§ We expect oligonucleotide-based drug developers to continue to outsourcetheir manufacturing operations in the short to mid-term; service-based revenuesare estimated to grow at an annualized rate of more than 10%
§ In the long-term, theprojected opportunity is anticipated to be well distributed across varioustherapeutic areas, scales of operation and across companies of different sizes
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Table of Contents
1.1. Scope of theReport
1.2. ResearchMethodology
1.3. ChapterOutlines
3.1. Context and Background
3.2. Overview of Oligonucleotide-based Products
3.3. Types of Oligonucleotides
3.3.1. Antisense Oligonucleotides
3.3.2. Aptamers
3.3.3. miRNA
3.3.4. shRNA
3.3.5. siRNA
3.3.6. Other Oligonucleotides
3.4. Custom Synthesis of Oligonucleotides
3.4.1. Process Development and Characterization
3.4.2. Analytical Method Development
3.4.3. Method Validation and Testing
3.4.4. Quality Control and Quality Assurance
3.4.5. Challenges Associated with Custom Synthesis of Oligonucleotides
3.5. Chemical Modification of Oligonucleotides
3.5.1. Backbone Modification
3.5.2. Sugar Ring Modification
3.6. Purification of Oligonucleotides
3.6.1. Desalting
3.6.2. Cartridge Purification
3.6.3. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)
3.6.4. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
3.7. Outsourcing Oligonucleotide Manufacturing
3.7.1. Need for Outsourcing
3.7.2. Commonly Outsourced Operations
3.7.3. Advantages of Outsourcing Manufacturing Operations
3.7.4. Guidelines for Selecting a Service Provider
3.8. Growth Drivers and Roadblocks to Oligonucleotide Manufacturing
3.9. Recent Developments and Upcoming Trends
Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415