
RootsAnalysis hasannounced the addition of the “Oligonucleotide Synthesis, Modification and PurificationServices Market: Focus on Research, Diagnostic and TherapeuticApplications, 2020-2030” reportto its list of offerings.
In fact, several big pharma companies are known tooutsource more than half of their clinical-stage oligonucleotide manufacturingoperations. Anticipating a sharp rise in demand, oligonucleotide manufacturers areincreasingly consolidating their portfolios, building new capabilities andexpanding their respective capacities, mostly through acquisitions, in order togain a competitive edge.
To order this 300+ page report, whichfeatures 140+ figures and 190+ tables, please visit this -
Key Market Insights
Presently,there are 270+ trials evaluating a number of oligonucleotide-basedinterventions
Of these, around 40% are investigating the use of antisenseoligonucleotides. Till date, more than 47,000 patients have been enrolled in ongoing/ planned trials; majority of them being enrolled in Europe.
Over80 companies claim to offer manufacturing services, at different scales ofoperation, for oligonucleotides
The market landscape is currently dominated by the presenceof small firms (1-50 employees), which represent close to 50% of the totalnumber of industry stakeholders. This is followed by the larger and moreestablished firms (~32%) and mid-sized players (~20%). More than 40% of serviceproviders claim to operate at all scales of operation.
Morethan 70% service providers focus on production of oligonucleotides for researchand diagnostic applications
However, several players are shifting their focus onto manufacturingoligonucleotides for therapeutic use. It worth highlighting that close to 20%of service providers engaged in this domain claim to offer manufacturingservices for research, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications.
Partnershipactivity has increased at a CAGR of over 60% within this domain, since 2014
Majority of the agreements (40%)were signed to offer manufacturing services to oligonucleotide-based productdevelopers, followed by mergers / acquisitions (21%), aimed at the consolidationof existing service portfolios.
Multipleexpansion initiatives were undertaken by service providers, between 2014 and2019
Over 45% of such initiativeswere reported to be focused on expanding manufacturing-related capabilities,followed by building new facilities (25%).
Demandfor oligonucleotides is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 13.3%, during2020-2030
Given the fact that severaloligonucleotide-based drug products were approved in the last 3-4 years, thecommercial demand for oligonucleotides is high. Interestingly, over 65% of theestimated commercial demand was observed to have generated from productsintended for treating neuromuscular disorders.
TheUS and EU have emerged as major oligonucleotide manufacturing hubs, both interms of number of facilities and installed capacity
More than 55 oligonucleotide manufacturerswere observed to have facilities in the US and EU. At present, the annual,installed manufacturing capacity in these regions is estimated to represent around75% of the available global capacity. This is primarily driven by players with commercialscale expertise / capabilities.
Antisenseoligonucleotides and siRNAs are anticipated to capture over 70% of the marketshare. by 2030
Interestingly, the manufacturing services market for miRNAsand other novel oligonucleotides is anticipated to grow at a relatively fasterrate during the next decade.
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KeyQuestions Answered
§ Who are the leading manufacturersof oligonucleotides for use in research, diagnostic and therapeuticapplications?
§ What are thepreferred custom synthesis, modification and purification methods used foroligonucleotides?
§ What are the keychallenges faced by oligonucleotide manufacturers?
§ What kind ofpartnership models are commonly adopted by industry stakeholders?
§ What are the recentexpansion initiatives undertaken by service providers within this domain?
§ What is the annualclinical and commercial demand for oligonucleotides?
§ What is the current, installedmanufacturing capacity for oligonucleotides?
§ What percentage of oligonucleotidemanufacturing operations are outsourced to service providers?
§ Whatare the opportunities in emerging markets for oligonucleotide manufacturing?
§ How is the currentand future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key marketsegments?
§ Whatare the anticipated future trends related to oligonucleotide manufacturing?
The USD 5.8 billion financial opportunity (by 2030)within the oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification servicesmarket has been analyzed across the following segments:
§ Application
§ Research anddiagnostics
§ Therapeutics
§ Type of oligonucleotidemanufactured
§ Antisense
§ miRNA
§ siRNA
§ Otheroligonucleotides
§ Scale of Operation
§ Preclinical /Clinical
§ Commercial
§ Company Size
§ Small
§ Mid-sized
§ Large
§ Target TherapeuticArea
§ Oncological disorders
§ Ophthalmic disorders
§ Metabolic disorders
§ Autoimmune disorders
§ Other therapeuticareas
§ Key geographical regions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ Rest of the world
The report features inputs from the eminent industrystakeholders, according to whom the oligonucleotide manufacturing services marketis primarily driven by the increasing demand for such molecules for use in diagnosticand therapeutic applications. The report includes detailed transcripts ofdiscussions held with the following experts:
§ Joachim Bertram (ChiefScientific Officer and Managing Director, IBA Lifesciences)
§ Tobias Pohlmann (Founderand Managing Director, BianoScience)
The research covers detailed profiles, featuring a brief companyoverview, its financial information (ifavailable), information related to its service portfolio, manufacturingfacilities, details on partnerships, recent developments (expansions), andawards received by the firm, as well as an informed future outlook.
§ Agilent Technologies
§ Ajinomoto Bio-PharmaServices
§ BioSpring
§ CordenPharma
§ Integrated DNATechnologies
§ Kaneka Eurogentec
§ LGC BiosearchTechnologies
§ Microsynth
§ Nitto Denko Avecia
§ Sigma Aldrich
§ Thermo FisherScientific
§ TrilinkBiotechnologies
Foradditional details, please visit or email
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