
Roots Analysis is pleased toannounce the publication of its recent study, titled, “MicrobialContract Biomanufacturing Market, 2020-2030.
Thereport features an extensive study of the current market landscape and futureopportunities associated with the microbial contract biomanufacturing market. Itfeatures a detailed analysis of key drivers and trends related to this evolvingdomain. In addition to other elements, the study includes:
§ Adetailed review of the current landscape of companies offering contractmanufacturing services.
§ Elaborateprofiles of key players that specialize in offering services for contract biomanufacturing.
§ A competitivenessanalysis, highlighting key players engaged in microbial based contractmanufacturing, featuring insightful pictorial summaries and representations.
§ Ananalysis of the partnerships and expansions that have been established in thisdomain, in the recent past.
§ A competitivenessanalysis, highlighting key players engaged in microbial based contractmanufacturing, featuring insightful pictorial summaries and representations.
§ Adetailed proprietary 2×2 representation to assess the current market scenario
§ Ananalysis of the initiatives of big biopharma players engaged in this domain.
§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of thecurrent and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listedbelow)
§ Type of Product
§ Typeof Biologic
§ Proteins
§ Enzymes
§ GrowthHormones
§ Antibodybased Drugs
§ Others(plasmid DNA, probiotics, microbiome-based biologics)
§ Type of Microbial Expression System
§ Bacteria
§ Yeast
§ Others(Algae and fungi)
§ Scaleof Operation
§ Commercial
§ Preclinical/ Clinical
§ Typeof End User
§ SmallCompanies
§ Mid-sizedCompanies
§ Large/ Very Large Companies
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ AsiaPacific
§ MiddleEast and North Africa
§ LatinAmerica
Transcripts of interviews held with thefollowing senior level representatives of stakeholder companies
§ Gaurav Kaushik (ChiefExecutive Officer and Managing Director, MeteoricBiopharmaceuticals)
§ Debbie Pinkston (VicePresident, Sales and Business Development, List Biological Laboratories)
§ Andrea Conforto(Sales and Marketing, Bioservices Director, Olon)
§ Max Rossetto (GeneralManager, Business Development, LuinaBio)
§ Rob van Dijk(Business Development Manager, WACKERBiotech)
Keycompanies covered in the report
§ AGCBiologics
§ Aldevron
§ BioVectra
§ EirGenix
§ Etinpro
§ Eurogentec
§ NorthwayBiotechpharma
§ OlogyBioservices
§ PortonBiopharma
§ StelisBiopharma
For additionaldetails, please visit oremail
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1(415) 800 3415
+44(122) 391 1091