
Roots Analysis has done a detailedstudy on “MicrobialContract Biomanufacturing Market, 2020-2030” covering key aspects of the industry and identifyingpotential future growth opportunities.
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Key Market Insights
§ Over 115 companies, across the world, claim to offer avariety of product development, manufacturing and support services, for varioustypes of biologics that are manufactured / expressed in microbial systems
§ Majority of the players have the necessary infrastructure /capability to produce different biologics, primarily proteins, at all scalesusing bacterial / yeast expression vectors
§ The market features the presence of severalwell-established players across the globe; the US, the UK and Germany emergedas current hubs for production of biologics using microbial strains
§ Several service providers, involved in this domain, aresteadily expanding their capabilities in order to enhance their respectiveservice portfolio and maintain a competitive edge in the industry
§ The growth trend of outsourcing microbial manufacturingoperations is evident from the rise in recent partnership activity, as well asexpansion initiatives undertaken by CMOs to meet the growing demand for novelbiologics
§ Big pharma players have also made significant investmentsin this domain through establishment of new facilities, entering into strategiccollaborations and undertaking financial investments
§ Future growth of the market is likely to be driven byincreased adoption of novel biologics that are produced via microbial systems;we expect the service-based revenues to grow at a CAGR of over 8%
§ In the long term, the projected opportunity for contractbiomanufacturing is anticipated to be distributed across contract serviceproviders of different sizes, scales of manufacturing and key geographicalregions
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Table of Contents
1.1. Scopeof the Report
1.2. ResearchMethodology
1.3. Chapter Outlines