
Roots Analysis has done a detailed study on Large Volume Wearable Injectors Market (5th Edition), 2020-2030:Focus on Bolus, Basal and Continuous Delivery Devices.”, covering key aspects of the industry’s current trendsand identifying potential future growth opportunities.
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KeyMarket Insights
§ More than 40 large volume wearable injectors are presentlyavailable / under development for the administration of drugs, beyond insulin, including15+ drug device combinations
§ Companies focused on developing devices for the delivery ofinsulin have already established strong brand positions in this domain, with 30+devices currently under development or available
§ More than 200 biologics / small molecule drugs wereidentified as likely products to be developed in combination with large volumewearable injectors
§ The rising interest in this fieldis reflected in the number of partnerships (90+) inked between 2015
and 2020 (tillJune), involving both international and indigenous stakeholders, across theworld
§ An evaluation of 50+ stakeholders engaged in thedevelopment of large volume wearable injectors revealed the existence ofseveral likely acquisition targets, across different geographical regions
§ The market, for the large volumewearable injectors for the delivery of non-insulin drugs is projected to be worth USD 600 million; owingto the increasing incidence of chronic clinical conditions and growing pipelineof therapeutic interventions to treat such diseases
§ The large volume wearable injectors market for insulin isanticipated to be worth over USD 2.7 billion by 2030; the anticipatedopportunity is likely to be distributed across various different device types,therapeutic areas and geographies
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Table of Contents
1.1. Scope of the Report
1.2. Research Methodology
1.3. Chapter Outlines
3.1. ChapterOverview
3.2. An Overviewof Drug Delivery Devices
3.3. ConventionalParenteral Drug Delivery
3.3.1 Needlestick Injuries
3.4. Emergenceof Self-Administration Devices
3.4.1. DrivingFactors