
The global digital biomarkers market is projected to be worth over USD 22 billion by 2030, predicts Roots Analysis
Advances in information technology andbiomedical science have enabled the development of digital solutions forbiomarkers, which, owing to the myriad of pertinent applications, are beingincreasingly adopted in modern healthcare practices
Roots Analysis has announced the addition of “Digital Solutions forBiomarkers Market, 2021-2030” report to its list of offerings.
The report features an extensive study of thecurrent market landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely adoptionof these solutions over the next decade. The report features an in-depthanalysis, highlighting the capabilities of various stakeholders engaged in thisdomain. Amongst other elements, the report includes:
§ Adetailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies engaged in thedevelopment of digital solutions for biomarkers.
§ Anin depth analysis of the contemporary market trends, presented using fiveschematic representations.
§ Elaborateprofiles of key industry players that are developing / have developed digitalsolutions for biomarkers (shortlisted on the basis of the product portfolio).
§ Adetailed product competitiveness analysis of key industry players for the mostpopular type of biomarkers taking into consideration key product specificparameters.
§ Adetailed analysis of 40 recent global events (summits / forums / conferences/ annual meetings) related to digital solutions for biomarkers, based onthe several relevant parameters.
§ Ananalysis of the investments made in the period between 2012 and Q3 2020 atvarious stages of development in companies that are engaged in this field.
§ Ananalysis of the partnerships that have been inked by stakeholders in thisdomain, in the period between 2014 and 2020.
§ Ananalysis of various digital solutions for biomarkers focused initiativescarried out by big pharma players.
§ A discussion on howthe recent COVID-19 pandemic is likely to impact the overall digital solutionsfor biomarkers market, along with information on the key initiatives undertakenby big pharma players.
§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of thecurrent and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listedbelow)
§ Contentof Solution
§ Software Application+ AI Support
§ Software Application+ Device
§ Standalone SoftwareApplication
§ Other Contents ofSolutions
§ Purposeof Solution
§ Diagnosis
§ EarlyScreening
§ Monitoring
§ PredictiveInsights
§ Typeof Biomarker
§ CognitiveBiomarkers
§ IdiosyncraticBiomarkers
§ PhysiologicalBiomarkers
§ VocalBiomarkers
§ OtherBiomarkers
§ TherapeuticAreas
§ AutoimmuneDisorders
§ CardiovascularDisorders
§ InfectiousDisorders
§ MentalHealth Problems
§ NeurologicalDisorders
§ RespiratoryDisorders
§ SubstanceUse Disorders
§ Others
§ BusinessModel
§ Businessto Business (Healthcare Providers, Payers, Employers andPharmaceutical Companies)
§ Businessto Consumer (Patients and Caregivers)
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ MiddleEast and North Africa (MENA)
§ Restof the world
Transcripts of interviews heldwith the following senior level representatives of stakeholder companies
§ Edouard Gasser(Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Tilak Healthcare)
§ Michael Seggev (Chief CommercialOfficer, VocalisHealth)
Keycompanies covered in the report
§ Akili Interactive
§ AiCure
§ Cogito Corp
§ JanssenPharmaceuticals
§ Huma
§ Mindstrong Health
§ Oura
§ Pear Therapeutics
§ Roche
§ Sonde Health
§ Vocalis Health
§ Winterlight Labs
Formore information, please click on the following link:
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About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growingmarket research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at
Contact Information
Roots Analysis Private Limited
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415