
The “Gene Therapy Market (3rd Edition), 2019-2030
§ A detailed review of the overall landscape of genetherapies and genome editing therapies, including information on various drug /therapy developer companies, phase of development (marketed, clinical, andpreclinical / discovery stage) of pipeline candidates, key therapeutic areas(cardiovascular disorders, muscular disorders, neurological disorders, oculardisorders, oncology and others) and target disease indication(s), informationon gene type, type of vector used, type of therapy (ex vivo and invivo), mechanism of action, type of gene modification (gene augmentation,oncolytic viral therapy and others) and special drug designation (if any).
§ A discussion on the various types of viral and non-viralvectors, along with information on design, manufacturing requirements,advantages, limitations and applications of currently available gene deliveryvectors.
§ A world map representation, depicting the most activegeographies, in terms of the presence of companies engaged in developing genetherapies, and a bull's eye analysis, highlighting the distribution ofclinical-stage pipeline candidates by phase of development, type of vector andtype of therapy (ex vivo and in vivo).
§ A discussion on the regulatory landscape related to genetherapies across various geographies, namely North America (the US and Canada),Europe and Asia-Pacific (Australia, China, Japan and South Korea), providingdetails related to the various challenges associated with obtainingreimbursements for gene therapies.
§ Detailed profiles of marketed and phase II/III and genetherapies, including a brief history of development, information on currentdevelopment status, mechanism of action, affiliated technology, strength ofpatent portfolio, dosage and manufacturing details, along with information onthe developer company.
§ An elaborate discussion on the various commercializationstrategies that can be adopted by drug developers for use across differentstages of therapy development, namely prior to drug launch, at / during druglaunch and post-marketing.
§ A review of various emerging technologies and therapydevelopment platforms that are being used to design and manufacture genetherapies, featuring detailed profiles of technologies that were / are beingused for the development of four or more products / product candidates.
§ An in-depth analysis of the various patents that have beenfiled / granted related to gene therapies and genome editing therapies, since2016. The analysis also highlights the key parameters associated with thepatents, including information on patent type (granted patents, patentapplications and others), publication year, regional applicability, CPCclassification, emerging focus areas, leading industry / non-industry players (interms of the number of patents filed / granted), and patent valuation.
§ An analysis of the various mergers and acquisitions thathave taken place in this domain, highlighting the trend in the number ofcompanies acquired between 2014-2019. The analysis also provides information onthe key value drivers and deal multiples related to the mergers andacquisitions that we came across.
§ An analysis of the investments made at various stages ofdevelopment in companies that are focused in this area, between 2014-2019,including seed financing, venture capital financing, IPOs, secondary offerings,debt financing, grants and other offerings.
§ An analysis of the big biopharma players engaged in thisdomain, featuring a heat map based on parameters, such as number of genetherapies under development, funding information, partnership activity andstrength of patent portfolio.
§ A case study on the prevalent and emerging trends relatedto vector manufacturing, with information on companies offering contractservices for manufacturing vectors. The study also includes a detaileddiscussion on the manufacturing processes associated with various types ofvectors.
§ A discussion on the various operating models adopted bygene therapy developers for supply chain management, highlighting thestakeholders involved, factors affecting the supply of therapeutic products andchallenges encountered by developers across the different stages of the genetherapy supply chain.
§ An analysis of the various factors that are likely toinfluence the pricing of gene-based therapies, featuring different models /approaches that may be adopted by manufacturers to decide the prices of thesetherapies.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Key therapeutic areas
§ Autoimmune disorders
§ Cardiovascular diseases
§ Genetic disorders
§ Hematologicaldisorders
§ Metabolic disorders
§ Ophthalmic disorders
§ Oncological disorders
§ Others
§ Type of vector
§ Adeno associatedvirus
§ Adenovirus
§ Herpes simplex virustype 1
§ Lentivirus
§ Plasmid DNA
§ Retrovirus
§ Vaccinia Virus
§ Type of therapy
§ Exvivo
§ Invivo
§ Type of genemodification
§ Gene augmentation
§ Immunotherapy
§ Oncolytic therapy
§ Others
§ Route ofadministration
§ Intraarticular
§ Intracerebellar
§ Intramuscular
§ Intradermal
§ Intravenous
§ Intravitreal
§ Intravesical
§ Subretinal
§ Others
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
Thereport includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the followingexperts:
§ Adam Rogers (CEO, HemeraBiosciences)
§ Al Hawkins (CEO, MiloBiotechnology)
§ Buel Dan Rodgers(Founder & CEO, AAVogen)
§ Cedric Szpirer(Executive & Scientific Director, Delphi Genetics)
§ Christopher Reinhard(CEO and Chairman, Cardium Therapeutics)
§ Ryo Kubota (Chairman,President and Chief Executive Officer, Acucela)
§ Jeffrey Hung (CCO, VigeneBiosciences)
§ Marco Schmeer(Project Manager) & Tatjana Buchholz (Marketing Manager, PlasmidFactory)
§ Michael Triplett(CEO, Myonexus Therapeutics, acquired by Sarepta Therapeutics)
§ Robert Jan Lamers(CEO, Arthrogen)
§ Tom Wilton (ChiefBusiness Officer, LogicBio Therapeutics)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Whoare the leading industry players in this market?
§ Howbig is the development pipeline and which new indications are coming in focus?Which vectors are being used for effective delivery of the therapeutic agents?
§ Whoare the key investors in the gene therapy market?
§ Howis the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed acrosskey market segments?
§ Whatkind of commercialization strategies are being adopted by gene therapydevelopers?
§ Whatare the different pricing models and reimbursement strategies used for genetherapies?
§ Whatare the prevalent R&D trends related to gene therapies?
§ Whatare the various technology platforms that are either available in the market orare being designed for the development of gene therapies?
§ Who are the key CMOs/ CDMOs that claim to supply viral / plasmid vectors for gene therapydevelopment?
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