
The “Fragment-based Drug Discovery Market: Library and Service Providers, 2020-2030
Key Inclusions
§ A detailed review ofthe overall landscape of fragment-baseddrug discovery library and service providers along with the information on typeof product (library and technology), type of service offered (fragmentscreening and fragment optimization), type of technique used (X-ray crystallography,nuclear magnetic resonance, surface plasmon resonance, and other screeningtechniques), other services offered (target identification / validation, hitidentification, hit-to-lead / lead generation, lead optimization), and end user(industry, academia, and contract research organizations).
§ Elaborate profiles of the companies providing libraries andservices for fragment-based drug discovery (shortlisted on the basis of theservice portfolio and number of fragment screening techniques offered). Eachprofile features a brief overview of the company, its financial information (ifavailable), fragment-based library and service portfolio, information on otherdrug discovery services, recent developments and an informed future outlook.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been establishedin the recent past, covering R&D collaborations, mergers and acquisitions,product development and commercialization agreements, commercializationagreements, distribution and supply agreements, product integration agreements,service agreements, and other relevant types of deals.
§ A detailed analysis on acquisition targets, taking intoconsideration the historical trend of the activity of the companies that haveacquired other firms since 2015, and offering a means for other industrystakeholders to identify potential acquisition targets.
§ An insightful competitiveness analysis of fragment-baseddrug discovery library and service providers, based on supplier power (based onthe years of experience of service provider) and key specifications, such asnumber of fragment libraries and number of screening techniques.
§ An analysis highlighting the cost saving potentialassociated with the use of fragment-based drug discovery approach.
§ Informed estimates of the existing market size and the futureopportunity for fragment-based drug discovery library and services, over thenext decade. Based on multiple parameters, such as annual number of drugdiscovery projects, outsourcing profile, and adoption of fragment-based drugdiscovery approach, we have provided informed estimates on the evolution of themarket for the period 2020-2030.
The report features the likely distribution of the current andforecasted opportunity across important market segments, mentioned below:
§ Type of ScreeningTechnique Used
§ X-ray Crystallography
§ Nuclear MagneticResonance
§ Surface PlasmonResonance
§ Other ScreeningTechniques
§ Type of Service Offered
§ Library Screening
§ Fragment Screening
§ Fragment Optimization
§ End User
§ Industry Players
§ Non-Industry Players
§ Key geographicalregions
Press Release: Variation 4 (Format 5)
§ North America (US andCanada)
§ Europe (UK, France,Germany, Spain, Italy, and rest of Europe)
§ Asia-Pacific (China,Japan, India, and rest of Asia-Pacific / rest of the world)
Thereport also features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according towhom the fragment-based approach significantly simplifies the drug discoveryprocess. The report includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with thefollowing experts:
§ Jean-Yves Ortholand(Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Edelris)
§ Björn Walse (ChiefExecutive Officer, SARomics Biostructures)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leadingplayers in the fragment-based drug discovery library and services market?
§ What are the keybiophysical techniques used by service providers for screening fragmentlibraries and lead optimization?
§ Which types ofpartnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders in this domain?
§ What is the likelycost-saving opportunity associated with the use of fragment-based drugdiscovery?
§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?
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