
The differences between sola wood flowers and real flowers
A lot of people may not know, but sola wood flowers, or more commonly known as sola flowers, have been a rising trend in floral arrangements industry for quite a while now. The differences between this kind of flowers and real ones have had people from all over the world choosing wooden flowers for all types of events. Either if you’re looking for a unique bridal bouquet or a nice centerpiece for a special occasion wooden flowers can be used to great effect.
They last longer than real flowers
Because they are made out of wood, sola flowers have a much longer lifespan than regular flowers. Yes, they can be influenced by weather or storage conditions, but less than their natural counterparts. Because the wood that they are made from is a light wood, like balsa or poplar, they can withstand more challenging situations than natural flowers can.
The style options are infinite
With natural flowers, when it comes to picking what kind you want, you can be rather constrained by season, local variety, shipping and other factors. These can make putting together the right floral arrangement quite a hassle. You rarely get these problems with wood flowers. Because they can be shaped in any way the customer wants and however the craftsman knows, the options to what kind of sola wood flowers to order are practically endless.
They are hand crafted
Wooden flowers are also great little bits of craftsmanship. Each flower is individually created and then painted, making each one of them a unique piece. Shaping one petal at a time can be time consuming, but the end result is always impressive. Not saying that you can improve Mother Nature, but making wood flowers takes a great deal of skill and patience and the end result is guaranteed to make people notice.
They are fully customizable
Wood, in general, gives any craftsman the liberty to explore his creativity. Wooden flowers can also be used as a canvas for the artisan. Besides the fact that he can arrange them in any way shape or form the client wants, he can also make them any color the client chooses. This means that if you ever wanted a rainbow colored rose bouquet or a certain kind of yellow on your carnations, now you can simply ask for it. The paints used to color them are nontoxic, that meaning that they do not present any health risks to any of the people handling them. Artificial coloring has been used in natural flowers as well, but the end result might not always be what you were looking for.
They go with anything
Sola wood flowers can basically be used for any event. Because the client has an almost infinite number of options regarding sizes, shapes, colors and patterns, the flowers can be used on almost any occasion. From bridal bouquets to prom corsages and from diner table centerpieces to simply a Mother’s Day gift, wood flowers can be used in any situation and they immediately draw attention. Although natural flowers are still preferred by some people, wood flowers have been carving out their own piece of the market.
They can be used as a hobby
Just like many people taking up gardening, making sola flowers can be a relaxing hobby. For the ones that want something to do indoors, but also appreciate flowers and floral arrangements, and want to develop new skills, making wooden flowers might just be what they are looking for. There are plenty of instructional videos online and most of the materials needed can be bought at local hobby supply shops. It isn’t the most expensive hobby to take up either, and the end product can be happily displayed almost anywhere.
At the end of the day, no matter how you slice it, wooden flowers are here to stay. They have become part of a multi-million dollar industry and will continue to be present alongside natural flowers. Either if you’re a fan or not of the wooden crafted flowers, you have to admit that they are a testament to what good craftsmanship and ingenuity can do. Wood flowers have been around for quite a while now, and will continue to find their place in more and more of our social occasions. And if you haven’t found the right floral arrangement yet, don’t worry. There surely is someone out there who can craft it for you. You will just have to choose, like in any flower shop, the number and color.
Resource Box: Sola wood flowers can be the something extra your event needed because sola flowers are a timeless reminder of what human imagination is capable of.