
To order this 310+page report, which features 110+ figures and 200+ tables, please visit this
Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessment of the overall landscapeof companies with capabilities for continuous manufacturing, along withinformation on a number of relevant parameters, such as year of establishment,company size, purpose of manufacturing (in-house and contract services), scaleof operation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), location of headquarters,location of manufacturing facilities, type of drug molecule (biologic and smallmolecule), type of continuous manufacturing related service(s) offered (processdevelopment, API manufacturing, intermediate manufacturing, drug productmanufacturing, and packaging and fill / finish), type of dosage form (solid and liquid), andinstalled capacity and batch size (if available).
§ Elaborate profiles of some of the key contractmanufacturers active in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical continuousmanufacturing market in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Each profilefeatures an overview of the company, along with information related to itsservice portfolio, continuous manufacturing capabilities and facilities, recentdevelopments and an informed future outlook.
§ An analysis of the various partnerships related tocontinuous manufacturing, which have been established since 2013, based onseveral parameters, such as year of an agreement, the type of partnership(research agreements, facility development / establishment agreements,technology enhancement agreements, service alliances, process developmentagreements, manufacturing agreements and other relevant agreements), scale ofoperation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), type of drug molecule(biologic and small molecule), type of continuous manufacturing related service(API manufacturing, intermediate manufacturing and end product manufacturing)and type of dosage form (solid and liquid). It also provides the regionaldistribution of the collaborations.
§ An analysis of the expansions related to continuousmanufacturing, which have been established since 2013, based on severalparameters, such as year of an expansion and the type of expansion (facility /plant expansion, technology installation, technology enhancement and serviceexpansion), geographical location of the facility, scale of operation(preclinical, clinical and commercial), type of drug molecule (biologic andsmall molecule), type of continuous manufacturing related service (APImanufacturing, intermediate manufacturing and end product manufacturing) andtype of dosage form (solid and liquid).
§ An estimate of the global, continuous manufacturingcapacity, based on the capacities of various industry stakeholders (asavailable on their respective company websites). The study examines thedistribution of capacity, based on the type of drug molecule (biologic andsmall molecule), company size (small-sized, mid-sized and large), scale ofoperation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), location of headquarters(North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and location of manufacturing facilities (North America,Europe and Asia-Pacific).
§ A study of the various grants that have been awarded toresearch institutes engaged in projects related to continuous manufacturing,between 2014 and 2019, highlighting multiple parameters, such as year of award,type of grant, grant amount, focus area, support period, popular recipientorganizations, type of recipient organization, funding institute center,funding mechanism and prominent program officers.
§ An in-depth analysis of the various patents that have beenfiled / granted related to continuous manufacturing till 2019. It includesinformation on key parameters, such as patent type, publication year,geographical location, CPC symbol, emerging focus areas, type of applicant andleading industry / non-industry players (in terms of the size of intellectualproperty portfolio). It also features a three-dimensional bubble analysis(based on patent citation count, publication year, extended geographicalreach), as well as a patent benchmarking and a detailed valuation analysis.
§ Initiatives taken by the leading pharmaceutical companies(in terms of revenues), covering both partnered as well as in-house projects.
§ A review of the companies offering modular facilities /modular cleanrooms, with information on their geographical location (NorthAmerica, Europe, Asia-Pacific and rest of the world), year of establishment,company size (small-sized, mid-sized or large) and type of industries served(pharmaceutical, biotechnology or others). It also includes information on therecent projects undertaken / executed by the companies providing modularfacilities.
§ A case study of the companies offering technologies /equipment (continuous blenders and mixers, continuous granulators, continuousdryers, continuous compressors, continuous coaters, flow reactors, continuous filtration,distillation and centrifugation equipment, continuous chromatography, PATtechnology and other technologies) that can potentially be used in a continuousmanufacturing process, providing information on the geographical location ofpotential stakeholders and the type of technology / equipment provided.
§ A case study on the roadmap for the adoption of continuousmanufacturing technique, discussing different strategies that can be followedby the company in order to adopt this technology or transition from batchmanufacturing to continuous manufacturing.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Purpose ofManufacturing
§ In-House
§ Contract service
§ Scale of Operation
§ Commercial
§ Preclinical / Clinical
§ Type of ContinuousManufacturing related Service
§ API Manufacturing
§ End Productmanufacturing
§ Type of Drug Molecule
§ Biologic
§ Small Molecule
§ Type of dosage form
§ Solid
§ Liquid
§ Key Geographical Regions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific
§ Transcripts ofinterviews held with the following senior level representatives of stakeholdercompanies
§ Andrea Adamo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ZaiputFlow technologies
§ Bayan Takizawa, Co-Founder and Chief Business Officer,CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals
§ Nick Thomson, Senior Director Chemical Research andDevelopment, Pfizer
§ Himanshu Gadgil, Director and Chief Scientific Officer,Enzene Biosciences
§ Eric Fang, Chief Scientific Officer, Snapdragon Chemistry)
§ Ian Houson, Technical Project Manager, ContinuousManufacturing and Crystallization, University of Strathclyde
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Key QuestionsAnswered
§ Who are the key players engaged in continuous manufacturingof small molecules and biologics?
§ Whatis the installed, global capacity for continuous manufacturing?
§ Whatare the key growth drivers within this domain?
§ Whatare the various paths to evolution within this industry?
§ Whoare the other key stakeholders (modular facility providers and technology /equipment developers) in this domain?
§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?
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