
Roots Analysis has done a detailed report on CompanionDiagnostics Development Services Market, 2020-2030 covering key aspects of the industry and identifying future growthopportunities
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Key Market Insights
§ Over 180 companies from different regions across the globepresently claim to provide services for the development of companion diagnostictests
§ Currently, a variety of services are available across theentire diagnostics development supply chain, including assays based on a widerange of analytical techniques, especially in the developed geographies
§ Numerous pharmaceutical playersare actively seeking to enter into partnership with companion diagnosticsservice providers, in order to leverage the latter’s expertise in this field
§ The rise in interest in this fieldis reflected in the number of partnerships established in the recent past,involving both international and indigenous stakeholders, and focused on avariety of end objectives
§ In order to achieve an edge overthe contemporary competition, companies engaged in this domain are increasinglyfocusing on the integration of advanced service offerings in their respectiveportfolios
§ The value chain involves drug and diagnostics developers, serviceproviders, along with other important stakeholders, each having a discrete setof priorities and requirements
§ Given the growing demand forprecision medicine, the companion diagnostics services market is expected towitness a double digit growth; the opportunity is likely to be distributedacross different regions and techniques
§ In the long-term, growth in the market is anticipated to be driven bythe clinical studies based on novel tumor markers, which have been identifiedas promising biological targets for development of companion diagnostics
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Table of Contents
1.1. Scope of the Report
1.2. Research Methodology
1.3. Chapter Outlines
3.1. ChapterOverview
3.2. Evolutionof Personalized Medicine
3.3. Overview ofCompanion Diagnostics
3.3.1. Developmentof Companion Diagnostics
3.3.2. AnalyticalTechniques Used in Companion Diagnostic Tests