
Roots Analysis has done a detailed reporton Antibody Drug Conjugates Market, covering variousimportant aspects of the industry and identifying key future growth opportunities.
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Key Market Insights
§ Eminentrepresentatives from different biopharmaceutical companies confirm thesustained interest in ADC therapeutics, highlighting the technologicalinnovation that is driving contemporary R&D initiatives
§ Presently, over 240 ADC therapy candidates are being evaluated inclinical / preclinical stages for treating a variety of solid tumors /hematologic cancers
§ The pipeline featuresproduct candidates that target a wide range of biological antigens and areequipped with different cytotoxic warheads; a number of companies are focused on developing novel drug conjugates
§ In order to gain acompetitive edge in the market, ADC developers are actively exploring newbiological targets, conducting clinical trials across different geographies totreat diverse disease indications
§ A number of eminent scientists from renowned universities, owing totheir involvement in clinical development efforts, have emerged as key opinionleaders within this market
§ Over the years, more than 16,000 patents related to ADCs have been filed/ granted across the world, indicative of the ongoing pace of R&D activityin this field of research
§ Several investors, having realized the opportunity within this upcomingsegment of targeted cancer therapeutics industry, have invested over USD 5billion, in the period between 2011 and 2019
§ The increasing interest in this field is also reflected in the partnershipactivity; deals inked in the recent past were mostly focused on licensing ofproducts / technologies, involving both international and indigenousstakeholders
§ In the recent years,several developer companies have initiated clinical trials to evaluate thetherapeutic potential of ADCs in combination with other drug / therapy classes
§ Anticipating the launch of several product candidates, stakeholders areexploring diverse commercialization strategies across different stages of thelaunch cycle along with the appropriate reimbursement strategies
§ Given thecomplexities associated with the development and production of ADCs, CMOs areindispensable to the R&D and manufacturing activity in this domain; someCMOs have even pioneered the novel ADC technology platforms
§ Case Study: In order to keep patients andhealthcare professionals informed and aware of the developments, companies aredeploying diverse promotional strategies for their respective products
§ With a promising development pipeline and encouraging clinical results,the global market is anticipated to witness growth at an annualized rate ofover 20% during the next decade
§ The anticipatedfuture opportunity is likely to be distributed across different types of linkers and target antigens as more late-stage drugs get commercialized andexisting marketing authorizations are expanded
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Table of Contents
1.1. Scope of the Report
1.2. Research Methodology
1.3. Chapter Outlines
3.1. Chapter Overview
3.2. Evolution of Anticancer Therapy
3.3. Cancer Treatment Methods
3.3.1. Surgery
3.3.2. Radiation Therapy
3.3.3. Chemotherapy
3.3.4. Targeted Therapies
3.4. Monoclonal Antibody-Based Anticancer Therapies
3.5. Components of Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs)
3.5.1. Antibody
3.5.2. Cytotoxin
3.5.3. Linker