
The “Antibody Discovery: Services and Platforms Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030
Key Inclusions
§ An overview of theoverall landscape of antibody discovery service providers along with theinformation on a number of parameters, such as year of establishment, companysize, location of headquarters, type of service offered (antigen designing, hitgeneration, lead selection, and lead optimization and lead characterization),type of antibody discovery method (hybridoma based, library based, single cellbased, transgenic animal based, and others), animal model used (rabbit, rat,mouse, llama, chicken, transgenic animal and others), type of antibodydiscovered (monoclonal antibody, bispecific antibody, single domain antibody,antibody drug conjugate, antibody fragment and others) and purpose of antibodydiscovery (therapeutic and diagnostic).
§ An insightful competitiveness analysis of antibodydiscovery service providers, based on supplier strength (based on a company'semployee count and years of experience) and service portfolio specifications,such as number of antibody discovery services offered, number of antibodydiscovery methods adopted, and number of subject specific agreements signed.
§ Elaborate profiles of antibody discovery service providers.Each company profile features a brief overview of the company, its financialinformation (if available), antibody discovery service portfolios and aninformed future outlook.
§ A detailed review of the overall landscape of antibodydiscovery platforms, along with the information on the technology developerssuch as year of establishment, company size, location of headquarters and typeof antibody discovered (monoclonal antibody, bispecific antibody, single domainantibody, antibody drug conjugate, antibody fragment and others). In addition,the chapter highlights an in-depth analysis of antibody discovery platformsbased on type of antibody discovery method (hybridoma based, library-based,single cell-based, transgenic animal-based, and others), animal model used(rabbit, rat, mouse, llama, chicken, transgenic animal and others) andavailability of intellectual property.
§ A detailed competitiveness analysis of antibody discoveryplatforms, taking into consideration the supplier power (based on the year ofestablishment of developer) and key technology specifications, such as type ofantibody discovered, compatibility of antibodies in human (fully human or not),availability of patent protection, number of deals signed for a particularplatform between 2015 and 2020.
§ Elaborate profiles of antibody discovery platformproviders. Each company profile features a brief overview of the company, itsfinancial information (if available), details on antibody discovery technology/ platform(s) offered and an informed future outlook.
§ An assessment of antibody discovery service and platformproviders' capability in different regions, based on a number of relevantparameters. For platform providers, these parameters include number oftechnologies offered, number of antibody discovery methods employed, and typeof antibody discovered. On the other hand, the service providers have beenevaluated based on the type(s) of service offered.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been establishedin this domain since 2015, covering R&D collaborations, licensingagreements, mergers and acquisitions, product development and / or commercializationagreements, clinical trial agreements, and other relevant deals.
§ An analysis of the investments made in this domain, duringthe period between 2016 and 2020 (till April), including seed financing,venture capital financing, debt financing, grants, capital raised from IPOs andsubsequent offerings, in companies that are engaged in the field of antibodydrug discovery.
§ Detailed profiles on the top five therapeutic antibodyproducts, which have generated the highest revenues. Each profile features abrief overview of the drug, the type of antibody discovery method it employsand the annual historical sales of the product.
§ A case study on antibody humanization and affinitymaturation, including a list of players that are presently offering suchservices and platforms, a publication analysis highlighting the research trends
Press Release: Variation 4 (Format 5)
in this field and adetailed discussion on other affiliated trends, key drivers and challenges,under a comprehensive SWOT framework.
§ A brief discussion on the imminent opportunities (such asnovel antibody therapeutics, innovative technologies and other futureopportunities) in the field of drug discovery that are likely to impact thefuture evolution of this market over the coming years.
The report features the likely distribution of the current andforecasted opportunity across important antibody discovery services marketsegments, mentioned below:
§ Steps Involved in theAntibody Discovery Process
§ Antigen Designing
§ Hit Generation
§ Lead Selection
§ Lead Optimization
§ Lead Characterization
§ Antibody DiscoveryMethod Used
§ Phage Display
§ Hybridoma
§ Transgenic Animal
§ Yeast Display
§ Single Cell
§ Others
§ Nature of AntibodyGenerated
§ Humanized
§ Human
§ Chimeric
§ Murine
§ Key GeographicalRegions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific and Restof the World
The report features the likely distribution of the current andforecasted opportunity across important antibody discovery platforms marketsegments, mentioned below:
§ Type of Payment
§ Upfront Payments
§ Milestone Payments
§ Key GeographicalRegions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific
The report also features inputs from eminentindustry stakeholders, according to whom demand for antibody based therapeutic/ diagnostic products have increased the opportunities for service provides andtechnology developers. The report includes detailedtranscripts of discussions held with the following experts:
§ Tracey Mullen (Chief ExecutiveOfficer, Abveris Antibody)
§ Lisa Delouise (Founder and ChiefTechnology Officer, Nidus Biosciences)
§ Mark Kubik (Chief BusinessOfficer, AvantGen)
§ Chun-Nan Chen (Chief ExecutiveOfficer and Chief Scientific Officer, Single Cell Technology)
§ Giles Day (Co-Founder and ChiefExecutive Officer, Distributed Bio)
§ Kevin Heyries (Co-Founder andLead of Business Development Strategy, AbCellera)
§ Sanjiban K Banerjee (Director, AbGenics Life Sciences)
§ Ignacio Pino (Chief ExecutiveOfficer and President, CDI Laboratories)
§ Jeng Her (Chief ExecutiveOfficer, APBiosciences)
§ Thomas Schirrmann (ChiefExecutive Officer and General Manager, YUMAB)
§ Debra Valsamis (BusinessDevelopment Associate, Antibody Solutions)
Press Release:Variation 4 (Format 5)
§ Christel Iffland (Vice President,Ligand Pharmaceuticals)
§ Aaron Sato (former ChiefScientific Officer, LakePharma)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leading players engagedin offering services and platforms for antibody discovery?
§ What are the most popular typesof services offered for antibody discovery?
§ Who are the key opinion leadersfrom renowned academic and research institutes that can help you drive efforts relatedto antibody discovery?
§ What is the trend of capitalinvestments being made in the antibody discovery market?
§ Which partnership models are mostcommonly adopted by stakeholders engaged in this industry?
§ What are the opportunities forantibody discovery service and platform providers in emerging markets?
§ How is the current and futureopportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
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