
Indie self-published author CJ Daly was told by awell-meaning agent: “You have better luck being struck by lightning than makingit as a writer today.” But Daly hails from the scrabbly plains of Eastern NewMexico, where lightning rarely strikes and hard work – not Instagram likes –determines who makes the cut. Armed with a riveting first novel, a deep-seatedbelief in herself, and a Readers’ Favorite 5-star seal of approval, Dalydecided to ditch traditional publishing and go at it alone.
Daly’s pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps mentality began onher family’s ranch. While she was supposed to be helping her six siblings withchores, Daly was sneaking behind dusty hay bales to read library books andstare at the jets streaking across the endless sky to Cannon Air Force Base.And dreaming of becoming a writer. After graduation, Daly moved to Dallas,where she quickly put herself through college while trying to rid herself ofher country drawl. She had better luck with college, graduating cum laude witha degree in English literature. After a five-year stint teaching – and pausingto have back-to-back boys – she began writing in earnest. After a few years,The Academy's six-part fictional series was finally born.
Set against the backdrop of Clovis, New Mexico, a rural farmingcommunity with a Friday Night Lights feel, The Academy’s 17-year-oldprotagonist, Kate Connelly, fights against the forces of a secret militaryorganization. Armed with nothing but her wits, a healthy sixth-sense, and goodold-fashioned country grit, Kate finds herself on the losing end of a battlewith two of The Academy’s handsome ambassadors. Rolling in on the military redcarpet, all the way from Marin County in Northern California, their mission isto obtain Kate’s gifted little brother … or else. Unfortunately, these “elitecadets” may have found their match in Kate, who doesn’t mince her twangy wordsor fall for their abundant charms. It’s a coming-of-age story that ends inredemption – for the lucky one – and comes wrapped in a love-triangle.
A sexy, spy-like romance story, with a twinge of thesupernatural, all come together with the stunning writing style of CJ DALY.
Maybe this on-going theme of battling against the odds iswhat has garnered Daly such glowing reviews from critics. That and the entertainingtwangy dialogue Daly uses to bring her characters to life. Renown industrycritic Kirkus remarks abouther well-developed protagonist: “Daly crafts superb dialogue in a steady butnot excessive Southern dialect.” New York Times bestselling author JamiBrumfield agrees: “The Academy is a story with compelling characters that pullyou into the author’s world and keeps you reading to the end.” And Hollywoodalready has taken notice. TonyJones, the executive producer of My All-American, raves: “Dalycreated an unforgettable story about a young woman caught up in a world of liesand deception and her struggle to save those dearest to her. … The Academy is apage-turning read that ends with a twist you might not see coming.”
If you would like more information about The Academy, visitits website at To receive a copyof the book for your review or to schedule an interview with author CJ Daly,please contact
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