
Tanning Products Market Highlights On Future Development 2028
Tanningis a process to darken to tan the skin colour, which is a result of exposure toultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight or artificial sources like tanningproducts. Consumers are actively utilizing self-tanning products to get anatural tan through indoor home sessions. While outdoor tanning processes aretime-consuming, harmful, and discomforting, professional tanning services areexpensive. Because of this backdrop, the demand for self-tanning productscontinues to gain traction. Increasing awareness about skin cancer andlifestyle changes are anticipated to boost the global marketfor tanning products shortly. Due toharmful UV rays from sunbathing, and its risk for causing skin cancer and skinissues, tanning products are improved to avoid such risk which is a factor forthe growth in sales. Moreover, tanning products unlike sun tanning provide evenand instant tanning. These products also come in several shades, which issignificantly contributing to the growth of the global tanning products market.
Theskin and healthcare products are trending online, for tanning products.However, offline is expected to be the most attractive segment as manyconsumers prefer offline shopping. Area-wise, the Europe region accounts forthe major share of the global tanning products market, followed by NorthAmerica and the Asia Pacific. Europeans are more prone to dark skin tone asdark tone hides any flaws in the skin. Moreover, in Europe dark skin tone alsosignifies wealth and a luxurious lifestyle. The demand for multifunctionalproducts is higher in developed countries, particularly in the US, Germany,Canada, and the UK. The Middle East & Africa and South America tanning productsmarket are anticipated to witness slow growth during the forecast period.Nevertheless, DHA, being the main ingredient in the majority of tanningproducts is driving the sales of the chemical-based tanning products.
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Thereport states that the factors such as a rise in disposable income, advancementin lifestyle patterns of selves, and assorted corporate culture are anticipatedto drive the demand for tanning products control during the forecast period.The market has beheld a trend in tanning products due to the rise of e-commerceplatforms across the world. e-Commerce has raised tremendous popularity in therural as well as urban areas, empowering consumers to order online and receiveproducts at their doorstep. This progress in the sales field has improved thereach towards the customers and is anticipated to boost the market with sales.Moreover, the report also highlights copious factors responsible for the growthof the market such as development constituents, statistical growth, businessstrategies, financial loss or gain to assist readers, as well as clients,comprehend the tanning products market from a global perspective.
Theglobal tanning products market has been segregated in the report based on theproduct, end-use, distribution channel, and region. To categorize products, thetanning products market can be divided into lotion, mousse, cream, sprays &mists, gel, oil & serum, others. Based on end-use, the tanning productsmarket can be divided into men and women. To categorize by ingredients, the tanningproducts market can be divided into natural/organic and chemical-based. Basedon the distribution channel, the global tanning products market can bebifurcated into offline and online. The offline segment can be sub-divided intospecialty stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets, and departmental stores. Theonline segment is sub-segmented into company-owned websites and e-commerceportals.
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