
Undoubtedly, nothing in the world canstrike the grandeur effect of the “Taj mahal”. Jaw dropping, masterpiece,wonderful, words are never enough to limn the splendor of this landmark of lovesymbol. Outside or Indian Tourists who’ve not visited, dream to be here someday and feel the bouncy of its beauty. Esteemed worldwide as an epitome oflove, this charming catacomb appears like a day dream woven in white marble onstar night.
Taj Mahal in Agra, is one of trendy SevenWonders of the World, depicts a classic tale of love by Mughal Emperor ShahJahan and his better half Mumtaz. The artistic monument was ordered by ShahJahan subsequent to demise of his beloved wife in child birth. Being located onthe bank of river Yamuna, this mausoleum was constructed by white marble andprecious stones that were imported from Italy and China. Talking about tour,rarely it takes four hours from Delhi to Agra. If you’re dash ahead of Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi, remember toconsider other sightseeing of Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri, Mehtab Garden, Itmad-Ud-Daullahtomb and Sikandra to get a clear picture of Mughal Era artworks.
Righteously said, “Beauty lies in theeyes of the beholder”. Over past decade, Taj Mahalcaptivates the eyeballs of thousandsvisitors. Build between 1632 and 1653 AD;it took up around twenty-one years tostand the essence of true faith and love. Itspristine white marble excels largelythrough the sun rays that provide a bright visual masterpiece.
Best Time To Tour Taj Mahal
Due to its widespread popularity, TajMahl has been declared as UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983 which has stolethemillion laurels ever. Be it winter or summer, every visitor explores the wideroadways toward the Taj. If you’rewondering about the best time, you can visit from October to December orFebruary to March. During these times, the comfortable and moderate temperaturemakes the enjoyable time ever before.
Ways To Reach The Taj
Talking about the roadways, majorlythere’re three transportation modes to reach either Airways, via Road or bytrain. To prefer the best ways, one can pass on by road with their family. Ifyou’re residing in Delhi, head towards via NH2 and the New Yamuna Expresswaywhich took nearly about 4-5 hours. The total distance from Delhi to Taj isapproximately 225 kilometers. To avail premier car rental services in delhi, you can visitat
Carry Essentials To Taj
Well, it is always good to leave yourvaluables at hotel for the sake of reduced check-in counters. Though, you can lugminimalbelongings to head towards a comfortable and trouble-free tour. Carrying a slightbag including your passport, money, important medicine for headache or heartstroke, enough battery mobile phone and a camera would be recommended whilevisiting there. It’s vital to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, so awater bottle help your out during sunny days.
Key Takeaways About Tour:
· Firstly,the Taj Mahal tour commences fromDelhi and then, you’ll be taken to explore visits to Agra.
· Onceyou arrived at Agra, your tour guide will tell about rules and regulations tobe followed while visiting. The first sight-seeing in your tour would be TajMahal, one of Seven Wonders of the World.
· Lateron, the guide will take you, visiting Agra Fort wherein you can witness thefierce battles which had taken place and had a whale of time out there.
· Aftervisiting these two monuments, you’ll be taken to visit local handicraft marketsmade by local residents of the vicinity. Marble Inlay work, Mughal Carpets andZari work are a few works that Agra being known for.
· Aftercompleting all visits, then head back to Agra station and reach to Delhi again.In Delhi, our tour guide picks up from railway station and eventually drops youoff at desired hotel.
Why Taj Mahal Tour From Delhi Is Best Choice for Travelling?
Taj Mahal is afascinating destinationever after. If you’re yearning desire to be there, you might be zeroed in onright travel agency. No worry as TajMahal Day Tour from Delhi offers you cutting-edge tour services. As aleading travel agents, we served thousands clients by bestowing exclusivediscounts, commendable pick up/drop off facilities, excellent rental servicesthat rejoice your whole expedition. We assist you from planning till end. Formore information, get in touch with us or visit at