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Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessmentof the current market landscape, providing information on drug developer(s)(year of establishment, headquarters and size of the company), phase ofdevelopment (marketed, clinical, preclinical, and discovery stage) of leadcandidates, type of molecule (small molecule and biologic), type of therapy(monotherapy and combination therapy), type of synlet target, target patientsegment, key therapeutic area(s), target indication(s), and route ofadministration. In addition, the chapter includes a list of screening platformsthat are being used by industry players to study synlet interactions betweengene pairs.
§ Detailed profiles oflarge players that are engaged in the development of synthetic lethality-baseddrugs (shortlisted on the basis of phase of development of pipeline products),featuring a brief overview of the company, its financial information (ifavailable), detailed profiles of their respective lead drug candidates, and aninformed future outlook. Additionally, each drug profile features informationon the type of drug, route of administration, target indications, currentstatus of development and an excerpt on its developmental history. In addition,the chapter includes tabulated profiles of small-sized and mid-sized players (shortlistedon the basis of the number of pipeline products), featuring details on theinnovator company (such as location of headquarters, year of establishment,number of employees, and key members of the executive team), recentdevelopments, along with descriptions of their synthetic lethality-based drugcandidates.
§ An analysis of theprevalent and emerging trends in this domain, as represented on the socialmedia platform, Twitter, posted during the period 2010-2019 (till May),highlighting the historical trend of tweets, most prolific contributors,frequently discussed synlet targets, popular disease indications and amultivariate tweet benchmark analysis.
§ An analysis of closeto 700 peer-reviewed scientific articles related to synthetic lethality, publishedduring the period 2017-2019 (till May), highlighting the research focus withinthis niche industry segment. It includes an informed opinion on the key trendsobserved across the aforementioned publications, including information ontarget disease indications, synlet targets, and analysis based on variousrelevant parameters, such as study type (review article, research article andcase report), research objective, year of publication, key research hubs, mostpopular authors, provision of grant support, and most popular journals (interms of number of articles published in the given time period and journalimpact factor).
§ An analysis ofvarious abstracts presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)in the time period 2013-2019 (till May), highlighting several parameters, suchas year of (abstract) publication, popular drugs, synlet targets, target cancerindications, popular authors, author designations, industry type (industry andacademia) and most active organizations (in terms of number of publishedabstracts). In addition, this analysis features a multi-dimensional bubblechart analysis to assess the relative level of expertise of the key authors /researchers based on the number of publications, citation count and researchgate score.
§ An in-depth analysisof close to 750 grants that have been awarded to research institutes engaged inprojects related to synthetic lethality, between 2014 and 2019 (till May),highlighting various important parameters associated with grants, such as yearof award, support period, amount awarded, funding institute, administrationinstitute center, funding institute center, funding mechanism, spendingcategorization, grant type, responsible study section, focus area, type ofrecipient organization and prominent program officers. It also features adetailed analysis on most popular synlet targets and target indications, alongwith a multivariate grant attractiveness analysis based on parameters, such asamount awarded, support period, grant type, number of synlet targets and numberof indications under study.
§ An analysis of theinvestments made into companies that have proprietary synthetic lethality-baseddrugs / screening platforms, including seed financing, venture capitalfinancing, debt financing, grants, capital raised from IPOs and subsequentofferings.
§ An in-depth benchmarkanalysis of over 230 synlet targets identified from various credible sources(research publications, government fundings, clinical studies, recent news /tweets and abstracts presented in global conferences), highlighting targetsthat have already been validated in clinical studies, preclinical studies andearly-stage research (cases where there is no lead (therapeutic) candidatebeing investigated). Further, it highlights the long-term opportunities (fordrug developers) associated with individual targets, based on their popularityacross different portals.
§ An analysis of therole of innovative companion diagnostics in synthetic lethality on the basis ofseveral parameters, such as synlet target, drug candidate(s) beinginvestigated, target biomarker(s), target disease indication(s) and assaytechnique used. It also includes case studies, highlighting those companiondiagnostic tests that are available and are being used to evaluate thetherapeutic efficiency of approved PARP inhibitors using the principle ofsynthetic lethality.
§ Informed estimates ofthe existing market size and the future opportunity for syntheticlethality-based drugs and targets, over the next decade. Based on multipleparameters, such as target consumer segments, region-specific diseaseprevalence, anticipated adoption of the marketed and late stage drugs and thelikely selling price, we have provided informed estimates on the evolution ofthe market over the period 2019-2030.
The report also features the likelydistribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across important marketsegments, mentioned below:
§ Typeof Molecule
§ Small Molecule
§ Biologic
§ TargetIndication
§ BreastCancer
§ Cervical/ Anogenital Cancer
§ DiabeticMacular Edema
§ GastricCancer
§ LungCancer
§ OvarianCancer
§ RenalCell Cancer
§ SynletTarget
§ APE/ REF-1
§ CHK1
§ GLS1
§ Polθ
§ WEE1
§ Routeof Administration
§ Oral
§ Intravenous
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ Restof the World
The report includesdetailed transcripts of discussions held with the following experts:
§ SimonBoulton (Vice President, Science Strategy, Artios Pharma)
§ YiXu (Associate Director, Business Development, IMPACT Therapeutics)
§ NorbertPerrimon (Professor, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School)
§ VivekDharwal (Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Panjab University)
§ AlfredNijkerk (Chief Executive Officer, UbiQ)
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Key Questions Answered
§ Whatare the prevalent R&D trends related to synthetic lethality?
§ Whattype of clinical conditions can be treated using synthetic lethality-baseddrugs?
§ Whatare the key drug classes that leverage the concept of synthetic lethality?
§ Whoare the leading industry and non-industry players in this market?
§ Whatare the most popular synlet targets and target indications?
§ Whatare the key geographies where research on synthetic lethality is beingconducted?
§ Whoare the key investors in this domain?
§ Whoare the key opinion leaders / experts in this field?
§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?
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