
Symptoms, Causes, Complications & Treatment Of PCOS
PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is a disorder that may occur at any stage of a woman's reproductive life. The cause of this illness is a hormonal imbalance. It may have an impact on women's ability to have children. PCOS causes hormonal imbalances and metabolic problems in women, which may have an impact on their general health and attractiveness. PCOS, a common and curable disease, may often result in infertility. Women who have PCOS have an abnormally high level of masculine hormones. Their bodies skip menstrual cycles as a result of this hormonal imbalance, making it more difficult for women to conceive.
The most common PCOS symptoms include missed irregular, infrequent, or long periods. In women, PCOS shows itself in several ways. Some of these common signs and symptoms of PCOS are:
● Excess androgens in the body cause hair loss
● Hair growth in places you don't want it (like your face)
● Acne
● Unexplained weight gain
● Frequent and unnatural changes in the mood
● Pain in the pelvic area.
If you have PCOS and your androgen levels are abnormally high, you are more prone to have a range of problems. These will differ from one lady to the next. The following are some of the recognized PCOS complications:
- Difficulty Becoming Pregnant
Ovarian cysts may interfere with ovulation. Every month, one of your ovaries produces an egg. You will not be able to conceive unless a healthy egg is available to be fertilized by a sperm. You may still be able to conceive if you have PCOS. To make it happen, you may need to take medication and consult with a fertility specialist.
- Diabetes
Diabetes and insulin issues Insulin resistance might cause your body to manufacture too many androgens. Insulin resistance prevents cells in your muscles, organs, and other tissues from absorbing blood sugar. As a result, you may have an abnormally high level of sugar in your system. Diabetes is a disease that may harm your cardiovascular and neurological systems.
- Problems With Metabolism
This constellation of symptoms raises the risk of getting cardiovascular disease. Symptoms include high triglyceride and low HDL ("good") cholesterol values, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar levels.
- Depression And Anxiety
Many women suffer from depression and anxiety issues due to the fluctuating levels of the hormone.
- Sleep Apnea
This is a condition in which your breathing stops for a few moments while sleeping. This will not only interrupt your sleep but also increase the risks of heart diseases and diabetes.
Causes of PCOS
- Increase Or Excess Of Insulin In The Body
Overdose of insulin Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that allows cells to use sugar, your body's primary source of energy. If your cells become resistant to the function of insulin, your blood sugar levels may rise, and your body may produce more insulin. Excess insulin may increase androgen production, resulting in ovulation issues.
- The Increasing Level Of Androgen In The Body
Even though all women generate trace amounts of androgens, androgens are usually referred to as "male hormones." Androgens control the development of masculine traits like male-pattern baldness. Androgen levels in PCOS women are greater than in the general population. High androgen levels in women may prevent the ovaries from generating an egg (ovulation) throughout each menstrual cycle, as well as cause excessive hair growth and acne, which are all signs of PCOS.
PCOS therapy often starts with lifestyle changes such as weight loss, diet, and exercise. Any diet that promotes weight reduction may be beneficial to your condition. However, certain diets may be more beneficial than others. According to research comparing PCOS diets, low carbohydrate diets are beneficial for both weight loss and lowering insulin levels. Several studies have shown that 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise three times per week may aid in the weight loss of persons with PCOS. Exercising for weight loss increases ovulation and insulin levels. Exercise is even more beneficial when combined with a well-balanced diet. Together, diet and exercise help you lose more weight than each intervention alone, and it lowers your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Treatment By Santosh Hospital
You need to visit a Gynaecology Hospital for an accurate diagnosis and better advice. Obstetrics treatment in Ghaziabad is not advanced as of yet and finding the best Gynaecology hospital in Ghaziabad can be a chore. However, every woman is different, their bodies are different, and hence the specifications with which they need to be treated are also different. So, your symptoms, age, and desire to get pregnant will all have an impact on your therapy.
There is no treatment for PCOS, however, the symptoms may be managed. Your doctor and you will work together to design a treatment plan based on your symptoms, child-bearing plans, and risk of long-term health concerns including diabetes and heart disease. Many women will need a mix of therapies. Santosh Hospital has one of the best obstetrician doctors in Ghaziabad, who will listen to your issues and treat you accordingly.