
Generally, the spider vein’s size is less than 1 mm and spider veins are the miniature version of varicose veins. They are dilated small veins that are visible within the skin and below it like the larger varicose veins. Therefore, the spider veins can be easily noticeable within or below the skin like the large varicose veins. Their appearance can be noticed anywhere in the body but is usually found on the outer side of the lower leg and the inner side of the knee. In such conditions visit a vein specialist to determine an appropriate mode of vein treatment NYC at vein centers near me.
Spider veins may be noticed in bluish or reddish-purple in color with a dotted stripy, fan-shaped, or star-like appearance. They may develop singly or in clusters. In worst cases, they may develop over the large area on the leg. Make an appointment with a vein doctor new York to get rid of the spider veins.
Conservative treatment of spider veins:
Chronic vein disease involves compression therapy and medication. Some specialists also promote sporting activities and vein training as conservative treatment methods. Conservative treatment is usually considered as a preventive measure or to aid other forms of treatment.
- Compression therapy:
Compression therapy is generally used for large varicose veins. It is not a perfect method for treating spider veins. Compression stockings are perfectly suitable to improve circulation in spider veins as well.
- Medication in the treatment of spider veins:
There are many products available in the market to ease the symptoms of varicose veins that may include: sprays, ointments, and gels. You have to apply them to the skin. The tablets and capsules can be taken by mouth. The results of most vein products have been proved scientifically.
Surgical Methods:
- When surgery becomes necessary it can involve tying off the abnormal veins and removing them through surgical cuts in the skin. During this procedure, blood circulation in the leg won’t be interrupted as veins located deeper in the leg will help maintain the healthy blood flow. This type of surgery is performed using general anesthesia that has its own set of complications. Recovery time may be bigger as it can take several weeks. You should discuss the possible side effects with your vein doctor manhattan.
- This surgical varicose vein treatment includes a PINstriper which is introduced into the vein. The end of the stripper is tailored to the diseased vein and when the PIN stripper is eliminated, the vein also comes out along with it.
This method is performed in an outpatient center. The procedure is conducted under general anesthesia so that patients won’t experience any type of discomfort.
- Another type of surgical vein treatment midtown involves the usage of hooks to pull the vein out from the affected area through the tiny cuts made on it. With this technique, the doctors will administer the anesthesia only to the affected area. Many people prefer this process because the recovery time is nothing. Specialists agree that you can go back to normal activities after the procedure. It might be possible that you will experience some tenderness, bruising, and numbness that will disappear shortly.
If you have decided to undergo a surgical procedure, make a thorough discussion with your doctor to determine the most suitable treatment for your condition.
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