
Cauda equina syndrome is a serious condition that requires urgent care. If you or a loved one have suffered cauda equina syndrome as a result of medical negligence, you may be entitled to a claim for cauda equina syndrome negligence.
Cauda equina syndrome (CES)is a serious condition that happens when the lower back nerves are compressed, potentially resulting in physical and neurological problems. Quick medical intervention is required in order to reduce the pressure on the nerves and minimise the adverse effects of this condition.
CES can happen due to a number of reasons, including birth defects like abnormal blood vessel connection, car crash, and ruptured disk in the lumbar region. Although the condition is rare and the symptoms mimic other typical illnesses, it is the duty of a medical professional to conduct a number of physical scans and examinations like MRI or myelogram to make an accurate diagnosis.
Early symptoms of cauda equina syndrome include severe lower back pain, sexual dysfunction, bowel or bladder problems like incontinence or retention, and weakness, numbness or loss of sensation in one or both legs.
If the signs and symptoms of cauda equina syndrome are present while being examined by a medical professional, failure to quickly arrange for tests and take emergency action may be a ground for medical negligence.
How Medical Negligence Can Worsen the Impact of Cauda Equina Syndrome?
If a patient manifests any of the common symptoms of Cauda equina syndrome, it is the duty of a medical practitioner to immediately admit him/her for MRI scan. If the result of the MRI shows that decompression surgery is required to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord, arrangements should be made for this to be done as soon as possible.
If the medical professional fails to identify the symptoms of CES at the earliest opportunity and the required surgery is not done within 48 hours, the long-term impact can be devastating. Lifelong complications may include severe pain, loss of sexual function, loss of mobility, and incontinence.
Am I Entitled to a Claim for Cauda Equina Syndrome Negligence?
You may be entitled to a claim for cauda equina syndrome negligence if:
- Your condition was misdiagnosed because the medical professional failed to identify key symptoms;
- Your diagnosis was delayed because the medical professional failed to recognise the ‘red flag’ symptoms and send you for surgery immediately, causing your condition to get worse;
- You were a victim of inadequate or poorly performed surgical operation which caused further compression of the spinal cord;
- Your medical professional failed to identify post-surgery complications.
Depending on the nature of your case, you may be able to make claims for the injury you have suffered, its impact on your life, the ongoing care you must receive, the cost of therapies for relief, the cost of additional surgery, and loss of earnings.
As the impact of cauda equina syndrome can be catastrophic and have a lifelong effect on you, it is important that you make claims for cauda equina settlements to help you continue with life if you can no longer work or now require the services of a paid caregiver.
Making a Claim for Cauda Equina Syndrome Negligence
If you suspect your medical professional has acted negligently and caused your CES to get worse, get in touch with us. At Medical Negligence Direct, we work with a panel of specialist solicitors who will advise you on whether there are legitimate grounds for making a claim, and how your claim can be funded.
If we think there may be valid grounds for a claim, we may offer to work with you on a No Win No Fee basis. Under this arrangement, you will not have to pay any upfront solicitor fees or bear the financial burden associated with make a compensation claim.
Usually, our cauda equina solicitors will be able to negotiate with the alleged negligent party for a fair settlement. However, if they deny liability in your case or their compensation offer is less than what we think is fair, your case may go to trial. If this happens, you can count on us to support you all the way and instruct a solicitor that will take your case to trial.
How Much Compensation Can I Expect for Cauda Equina Syndrome Negligence?
Every medical negligence case is unique, and the amount of compensation you will receive will depend on the severity of your injury as well as its impact on your life.
Time Limits for Making Cauda Equina Syndrome Compensation Claims?
If you believe you may have grounds for a cauda equina syndrome negligence claims, it is important that you speak with experienced cauda equina syndrome solicitors as soon as possible, as there is a strict time limit for medical negligence claims in England and Wales. Generally, you are expected to start a claim for cauda equina syndrome negligence within three years from the date you suffered the negligent treatment. You may also be able to start a claim within three years from the date you became aware that your injury was due to medical negligence.
However, there may be exceptions; some of the most common exceptions include cases involving children and those who lack mental capacity to make a claim. A litigation friend can represent a child who has suffered cauda equina syndrome due to medical negligence before their 18th birthday. When a child turns 18, they have three years to make a claim on their own. For those who lack mental capacity to make independent decisions, there is no time limit.
Why Choose Us?
Medical Negligence Direct works with a panel of specialist cauda equina solicitors with a strong track record in obtaining cauda equina syndrome successful claims. Should you wish to take legal action for your cauda equina syndrome case, do not hesitate to contact us immediately. You may fill our free claims assessment form or call us on 0800 644 4240 to arrange for a free, no obligation consultation with one of our friendly solicitors.