
Steel Rebar Market: Snapshot
Steel Rebar, also known as reinforcing bar is widely used in theconstruction industry, majorly in concrete reinforcement. It serves as atensioning device and assists to hold the concrete in a compressed state.Concrete can carry a heavy load for compression but is very weak in tension. Toallow concrete to carry tensile load, steel rebar is used. Steel rebaris commonly used for concrete construction its thermal co-efficient value isclose to the thermal co-efficient value of concrete.
Deformed steel bars, a type of steel rebar, have ribs, lugs, ordeformity on the bar surface. These steel bars bind two materials strongly,limit cracks in concrete, avoid slippage and have higher tensile strength thanmild steel rebar. Mild steel rebar is used to support the tensile stress ofslab beams.
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Steel rebar is a cost-effective product that could be used forconcrete masonry and concrete reinforcement. Conversely, aluminum is anexpensive with less tensile strength alternative for the same applications.However, steel rebar comes with several drawbacks. In the production of steel,various types of wastes are discharged in water which can cause waterpollution. Its manufacturing also releases CO2 causing greenhouse effect. It isalso responsible for emission of hazardous gases such as nitrogen oxide andsulfur oxide in the air, causing air pollution. The corrosion tendency of steelleads to deterioration of constructions where rebar is used. While thesedrawbacks will continue posing threat, increasing construction activitiesworldwide, especially in emerging nations, will keep the demand for steel rebarhigh in the coming years.
Steel rebar, commonly known as steel reinforcement or reinforcedbar, is a steel bar or a mesh of steel wires used in concrete constructions andconcrete masonry as a tension device in order to provide support to concretestructures. Concrete exhibits high strength when compressed, but is equallyweak under tension. Steel rebar acts as the tensioning device, thus providingstrength to concrete structures. It makes these structures stable understrength and tension. Steel is used in concrete reinforcement as it offers hightensile strength and has a thermal co-efficient value, which is close to thethermal co-efficient value of concrete. Furthermore, it is one of the cheaperoptions that can be used for concrete reinforcement and concrete masonry.Aluminum is a costlier substitute for steel with less tensile strength.However, steel rebar has several disadvantages. These include the corrosiontendency of ferrous materials. This leads to intrinsic deterioration ofstructures where steel is used. Production of steel adversely affects theenvironment. For instance, it leads to emission of hazardous gases such ascarbon oxides, sulfur oxide, and nitrogen oxide in air. It also is responsiblefor emission of CO2, thus leading to the greenhouse effect. Production of steelresults in discharge of wastes into water, thereby leading to watercontamination. The steel rebar market has been expanding due to the rapidinfrastructure development, especially in housing, commercial, and industrialinfrastructure, in developing nations. The market for steel rebar is expectedto expand significantly in the next few years owing to the rapid industrializationin developing nations. There exists a need for substitutes for steel rebarconsidering its various disadvantages. Some substitutes such as basalt rebarand fiber reinforced polymer are eco- friendly and possess high tensilestrength. These substitutes are anticipated to seize some share of the steelrebar market due to the environmental and corrosive effects of steel. Basaltrebar possesses numerous advantages over steel rebar and also has thermalco-efficient almost equal to that of concrete. The industry is experiencingcontinuous innovations and advancements due to the rapid technologicaladvancements and high end applications of steel rebar. The newer grades thatare being introduced are Fe-500, Fe-550, and Fe-500D. Similarly, in terms of application,a newer range of steel rebar that is corrosion resistant, epoxy coated, andearthquake resistant is being used increasingly in applications than theconventional rebar.
Based on application at the site of work, the steel rebar marketcan be segmented into mild steel bars and deformed steel bars. Mild steel barsare used to support the tensile stress of slab beams. Deformed steel bars comewith deformity or lugs or ribs on the bar surface. It has higher tensilestrength as compared to the mild steel rebar and avoids slippage, limits cracksin concrete, and also binds two materials strongly.
Based on its finish, the steel rebar market can be divided intoblack rebar, epoxy coated rebar, and fabricated rebar. The use of thesefinishes depends on the environmental conditions that the bars are subjectedto. Black rebar is a conventional uncoated rebar used at sites withminimum exposure to moisture, with minimum chances of catching rust orcorrosion. Epoxy rebar is usually found in marine applications where there is ahigh chance of corrosion due to water. Black rebar is the preferred rebar iswidely used owing to its cost effectiveness.
In terms of end-use industry, the steel rebar market can besegregated into construction and infrastructure, manufacturing, and oil &gas industry. The construction and infrastructure sector dominates the steelrebar market. The segment is expected to expand during the forecast period dueto the rapid development and industrialization in developing countries such asChina and India. This is anticipated to result in real estate andinfrastructural developments.
In terms of geography, the global steel rebar market can besegmented into Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa, North America,and Latin America. The market for steel rebar is dominated by North Americaowing to the large number of construction activities in the region. AsiaPacific is also a key consumer if steel rebar, led by the rapid industrial andinfrastructural development in developing countries such as India and China.This results in the need for steel rebar for housing, industrial construction,and other infrastructural construction. Consumption of steel rebar hasincreased significantly in Asia Pacific. Europe and Middle East &Africa are the other major consumers of steel rebar.
Major players operating in the global steel rebar market includeArcelor Mittal, Saudi Iron & Steel Co., Tata Steel, and Zamil SteelHolding.
The steel rebar market is expected to expand significantly inNorth America and developing countries in Asia Pacific due to its costeffectiveness and increase in construction and infrastructure developmentactivities in these regions.