
Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine focuses on aiding people to recover from injury, improve their sporting performance and prevent further injury.
It covers a wide range of medical specialties dealing specifically with sports and exercise. It refers to a branch of medicine that primarily concerns itself with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of injuries in athletes. The primary goal of this branch of medicine is to provide athletes with comprehensive care designed to maintain their physical health and maximize their participation in sporting events.
An additional subspecialty of this medicine is the association between trauma and sport. There is a well-established association between athletic injuries and subsequent psychological distress. This has obvious benefits to athletes who sustain injuries in their performances, but it also has negative consequences for the athletes who suffer psychological problems as a result of their injuries. This subspecialty of medical specialty is also referred to as the Sports Medicine association.
Pathology is the study of pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Sports rehabilitation medicine can use these for the treatment and rehabilitation of injured athletes. Medicine, particularly for pediatric, generally deals with childhood and adult injuries and disease processes. It is also the name on which cardiothoracic and orthopedic surgery is referred to.
Sports orthopedics deals with disorders and injuries that affect the structure and mobility as well as the function of the musculoskeletal system. This subspecialty of this medicine is more widely recognized than any other subspecialty. Orthopedic medicine covers disorders and injuries associated with the skeletal, limb, and joints structures. This industry has a well-established reputation as a clinical specialty that contributes significantly to quality patient care. It is a subspecialty within the field of medical specialties concerned with treating and preventing sports-related injuries.
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