
Soybeanmeal is the highly nutritive meal for the farm animals, it is used as afeed for the farm animals like chicks, horse, sheep, pig, and fish. It has highprotein content which is important for the health of the animals, it is themost used feed for livestock. It has been used as a standard for comparing theprotein content of food products. It is approved in the United States as anideal feed for livestock and its production has increased due to control overslaughterhouse by-product as feed and encouraged the use of soybean meal due tohigh protein content it has and thus, increase in demand as protein-rich sourcefor livestock feed. Soybean meal market is forecasted to grow at thesignificant growth rate over near future due to its extremely high proteincontent which is around 47-49% of protein content and other nutritionalcontents like crude fiber.
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Soybean meal market Segmentation
Soybeanmeal is segmented on the basis of the raw material as Organic and inorganic.Due to rising health concerns people are preferring organic soybean meals asorganic products are good for health.
Soybeanmeal market is segmented on the basis of process of production as normalsoybean meal, De-hulled [min 50% protein] Hipro Soybean meal, and De-hulled[min. 48% protein] Hipro Soybean meal, Defatted soya flour toasted, andde-fatted soya flakes toasted are available in the market. Normal soybean mealhas low protein content than the De-hulled soybean meal which has around 45-46%of crude protein content. Hulls are by-product, therefore, are removed as theyhave no place in human food but are used for ruminants.
Soybeanmeal is segmented on the basis of application in food industry, beverage,dietary supplements, and healthcare products. In food market segment soymealcan be used for making soy-chunks and soy-granules. Flour of deflated soy isused to make nutritious biscuits. Isolates of protein from soymeal are used asprotein drinks. Product from soymeal are healthy and nutritious thus marketdemand from food and beverage market segments is high. In healthcare productsmarket segment, soymeal is used to make products having isoflavones which havechemical similarity to estrogen. Demand from dietary supplement market segmentis higher as soymeal is used to make calcium, magnesium, iron, and folic acidrich supplements.
Soybeanmeal is segmented on the basis of distribution channel as supermarket,specialized stores, online stores and retail stores. Online stores are the mostpreferred mode of shopping for consumer and manufacturer as it is comfortablefor both. Supermarkets also have gained good consumer base in last 10 years andare expected to grow at a significant rate.
Soybean meal market: Regional Outlook
Soybeanmeal market is segmented into five key regions as North America, Latin America,Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa. In Asia-Pacific region,China and India are the biggest producer of soybean meal. In the North Americanregion United States is the major producer of soybean is followed by EuropeanRegion countries like Argentina and Brazil. The Soybean meal is exported allover the world as it is majorly used as livestock as feed and is also consumedby humans as a protein packed vegetable food source. Soybean market is expectedto grow at the high rate and gain good revenue during the forecast period of2017-2027.
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Soybean meal market: Drivers and Trends
Soybeanmeal is forecasted to generate extremely good revenue during the period of2017-2027 as it is packed with abundant protein content. It can be used as foodfor humans and livestock, used in healthcare products, and in the preparationof protein drinks. Owing to rising demand of soybean meal for the manufactureof protein supplements and feed for the livestock at high rate manufacturersare manufacturing and launching various new products of soybean meal havingimproved content of protein. These factor the key drivers of this marketand the demand is expected to increase with every passing year. To matchthe increased demand manufacturers are making their strategies to stay the keyplayer. Producing soymeal at a high rate due to the increasing demands is arestraint for the soybean meal market as production is limited. Increasing pettrend and pet health segment is another factor driving market demand forsoybean meal market.
Soybean meal market: Key Players
The globalkey players identified during the global soybean meal market analysis are Gauriagrotech products pvt. ltd., Vippy Industries Ltd, Bonne vie soybean meal,Mukwano group, Ghana Nuts Company limited, and Granol. These are the biggestsoybean meal key players who are manufacturing good quality of soybean meal forfeed for livestock and food for humans. New market player entries are expectedin the global soybean meal market, due to increasing demand from differentsegments.