Some Myths and Facts about Super Green Powders
Some Myths and Facts about Super Green Powders
It's easy to get excited and start drinking green powders, but first we need to understand some facts
It's easy to get excited and start drinking green powders, but first, we need to understand some facts and myths about superfood green powder.
Greens are very nutritious but do not have a full range of vitamins and minerals. Eating too much or focusing too much on vegetables can lead to an imbalance of other nutrients. Since most of us do not eat enough vegetables to begin with, super green powders are good to add, but they cannot replace a healthy diet or a full meal.
It is said that super greens powders can make the body more alkaline. The theory is that our bodies want to be more alkaline, but foods like meat and dairy are acidic and make us acidic. Therefore, proponents of this theory suggest eating foods that are naturally alkaline, especially vegetables and herbs, alkalize the body.
Food can change the pH of urine, and vegetables and herbs make the urine more alkaline. They do not change the pH of the blood, and the body naturally maintains the blood pH near 7.4 unless there is a serious medical problem.
So, vegetables and green powders are beneficial for many reasons and we should all be using them, but not to alkalinize our blood.
Vegetables are a great source of a variety of nutrients and micronutrients. Since most of us do not get enough of these, the best super greens powder Australia can be a good way to get a small number of different nutrients in one serving.
Vegetables naturally contain a high amount of antioxidants and have a high ORAC score. But ORAC scores should not be part of our purchase decision.
The USDA recently removed the ORAC score as a metric in its database when a recent study found that it was not as relevant as once thought and was used for dubious marketing.
The market is full of green powders that have questionable nutritional value, depending on how they are processed, the concentration of the greens, or how well they are digested. And if vegetables are organic or not?
Most powders contain stimulants, energy-enhancing adaptogens, sweeteners, cereal grasses, and other ingredients that are not easily digested and/or should not be used regularly or have no business in green drinks.
The best green powder is the one you make yourself from organic vegetables, either dried in the oven on the lowest setting or in the dehydrator, then gently blended to lock in the nutrients. This is the only way to guarantee a high-quality green powder.
There are many manufacturers that use these processes to create super green powders which can really benefit you. However, you need to know what you are looking for before making a purchase decision.
The fact of the matter is, super green powders are amazing and highly beneficial; however, they cannot replace whole foods and nutritious diets. You should use them as a supplement to your already excellent diet and exercise regimen.