
Soil Investigation
Groundsearch delivershigh quality underground technologies , project management using ProfessionalGeologists and Geo-technical Engineers.
Groundsearch -- 30years’ international experience- developing better ways to deliverhigh resolution, meaningful results to our clients, and have some fun doing it.
Groundsearch uses highspecification investigation methods and technologies, our staff qualitycheck all our services, and manage them to a high professional standard.
1. Siteinvestigations, defining geotechnical issues providing designinformation to the engineers.
2. Projectmanagement of smaller and larger investigations.
3. Locating andinvestigating natural resources, minerals, raw material forconstruction, water supplies and feed in for existing processing plants.
4. Locating infrastructure,natural geological hazards, voids, wash outs and weakness in theground. Issues that may affect existingstructures and urban areas
5. Working within existing projects to map resources andlocate and image existinggeological hazards.
32 years experience as a team---- 150 years of aggregate staff experience in solving customer issues ------Have confidence in us - we work with you
Geotechnical And Site Investigations, On Shore And Near ShoreProject Management AndTechnical Services
- Site approvals
- Site surveys
- Site investigation services, geotechnical drilling, geotechnical testing
- Geophysical surveys for site investigation and site characterization
- Project management – investigation planning – – budget control
- Reporting and analysis
7. Groundsearchactively involved with multiple international exploration programs in locationsas diverse as Mongolia, Cambodia and Africa, as well as operations throughoutNew Zealand.
8. Wehave a diverse set of capabilities, and a strong base of experience in Asia andsurrounds.
10. Grant is a qualified person to report to ASXand TSX stock exchanges. He has sign off against JORC (Australia) amd 43101(Canada) -- we can provide more details on request
Borehole Geophysics
Boreholegeophysics has proven to be an indispensable tool for our clients in coalexploration, mineral mining, coal seam gas exploration and scientific researchto name just a few. It is an incredible value-adding tool to confirm targetdepths, characterise overburden, assess dipping angles and much, much more.
Groundsearch uses stateof the art combination tools from Century Geophysical Corporation to maximisethe information gathered from the hole, while maintaining usability and theconvenience to transport the equipment to operate from nearly anywhere (and overthe years our clients have occasionally pushed this “anywhere” claim toextremes! – See “Our Projects”) Our most popular tools are listed here, but wecan get in a tool to suit almost any endeavour very quickly.
With the backing of a hugeamount of experience in exploration projects all over NZ, and a comprehensivesupport structure, we can manage your borehole geophysics effectively andefficiently. Email us for more information.
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