
Podcast # 10 - Breaking Boundaries in the B2B Customer Lifecycle
In our Marketing Leaders podcast webring you the tenth episode: Breaking Limits in the B2B CustomerLifecycle.
Today, Pau Valdés interviews CharoOlivan , head of digital strategy at Hiberus Tecnología , acompany belonging to the Henneo Group that has had giants suchas Google, General Motors, Mapfre, Banco Santander, PwC and El Corte Inglésamong its clients.
Charo is an expert in ecommerce and onlinemultichannel. In fact, she was in charge of the Imaginarium webdepartment worldwide for almost 11 years. In the interview, sheexplains to us how at Hiberus they have adopted servitization astheir main strategy, not only to generate more demand, but also to considerablylengthen the customer's life cycle. A milestone when we consider thedifficult nature of the B2B market in the technology sector.
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In this podcast, Charo and Pau talk about:
- How to extend the customer life cycle in a B2B technology company?
Most technology consulting firms focusprecisely on technology alone. To extend the life cycle of the B2B client,it is necessary to migrate to a servitization model . AtHiberus, in addition to technological development and implementation, they haveteams specialized in business areas to provide a mix of support services totheir clients. In fact, each customer account is assigned a projectmanager at the technical level and a service manager at thebusiness level .
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- What are the two models of servitization in Hiberus?
The key to Hiberus' success is to be aflexible company, which always adapts to the client's needs. To achievethis, it offers two models of servitization:
- One model is that of the absolute management of the entire ecommerce project . From technical development to its launch to the public and business continuity (content management, promotions, customer service, etc.).
- The other model is the accompaniment of the client's internal team . In this case, Hiberus offers permanent support to those responsible for the client in terms of commercial management, design and measurement of KPIs, up-selling and cross-selling strategies, among other areas.
- What impact do B2B alliances have on generating demand?
Hiberus has established commercialalliances with the best positioned ecommerce platform manufacturers in theworld market (SAP, Salesforce, Magento, Drupal, Liferay, amongothers). Part of the benefits of these agreements is that thesecorporations send high-quality leads to Hiberus . That is,customer accounts that need the services of a technology partner.
- How does the technical department influence business success?
At Hiberus they have 100% specializedtechnicians in each of the leading brands in the market mentionedabove. Thus, by having certified equipment in all these cutting-edgetechnologies, the company manages to meet the needs of many types of high-levelclients, which allows it to gain a greater market share compared to its competition. Thekey is to focus and specialize in as many of the most powerful tools aspossible, leaving out the least performing ones.
Listen to the detailed explanation of thesetopics right now or download the episode and listen to it whenever you feel likeit.
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If you have any questions or you haveany questions for Charo or Pau, we encourageyou to leave them in the comments section so that they can solve it foryou.
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