
Single memory foam mattress for your child
Sleep it's an important part of human lives, especially for a kid. It helps them grow physically and mentally healthy, it will also help them be more positive. A small single mattress that will help your child get a high quality sleep it's essential. A single memory foam mattress should be essential for a kid's sleep. It takes the body shape, thus relieving the pressure that a normal mattress applies to the joints. The body is more relaxed, allowing the brain to induce a deeper sleep where it will focus more on growing.
Although the price is higher than a regular mattress, the benefits it provides it's more than enough to justify the price.
Sleep it's much more important for a child than for an adult. Not only it's essential for good health, but it also affects its mood and apacity of physical and mental growth. For this reason, you must make a deep research before you buy a mattress. Otherwise, he might have a low quality sleep that may affect it's health, growth, and feelings.
A good alternative to regular spring mattresses would be a single memory foam mattress. They use a sensitive viscoelastic material, generally named memory foam. Generally a kid it's more active than an adult during the day, and its body needs to be more relaxed during his sleep. The joint pressure that regular mattresses apply to the body it's reduced on a memory foam mattress. The price of those mattresses tends to be higher, but you can buy a small single mattress for a reasonable price
Child's health and sleep
Sleep is an important part of a human's life and an essential part of the body and mental healthiness. For kids, an adequate amount of sleep will improve their attention, behavior, learning, memory, and will maintain a good overall mental and physical health.
While sleeping, your child’s brain restores resources that he used up during the day. For solving problems, learning new information and to enjoy the day, he needs a well-rested brain.
Children who consistently get a good night’s sleep:
• have more creativity
• stay focused on tasks for longer periods
• solve problems faster and more efficiently
• make positive decisions with higher frequency
• learn faster and remember new things easier
• have more energy reserves to use during the day
• make friends easier and are happier
Benefits of a single memory foam mattress for your child
When a person sleeps two forces combine in regular mattresses and this results in damage made to the body. The first force it's gravity that it's pulling the body downwards. The second force it's a response against gravity from the mattress, and it pushes the body upwards. In regular mattresses, those 2 forces are distributed irregularly, which places more pressure on some parts of the body.
A mattress made from memory foam will distribute those two forces, which will distribute the pressure all around the body. It also takes the shape of the body, it keeps the spine in a natural posture and the lower back will be supported.
Because a spring small single mattress doesn't distribute those 2 forces equally it will pressure the shoulders, hips, and heels, because those parts bear more mass. This will produce joint pains, muscle pain, and back pain.
A memory foam mattress, through mass distribution and allowing a natural body position, will reduce those pains, especially the pain in the back hips and shoulders. And of course, the pain it also preventedto appear or reappear again.
This material became the favorite for people with painful conditions. It supports correct alignment, contours to the body and doesn't place more pressure on sensitive areas so the body will experience optimal comfort. The reduction of pain is also associated with better sleep, which offers another benefit.
Is a memory foam mattress too expensive?
The price of a mattress should be dependent on two factors. From what material its made and the quality it has. Memory foam is a much more expensive material because it has high durability and its beneficial effects are much better compared to other materials. So a mattress made from memory foam has a higher price because it will last longer and maintain physical health.
Resource Box: You can buy online a single memory foam mattress for your child. Check a small single mattress , there are many sites with resonable prices.