
Shrimp Market
Shrimp, or Caridea and Dendrobranchiata, are decapod crustaceans with elongated bodies and a swimming form of locomotion. More specific definitions could be limited to Caridea, smaller species in either group, or just marine species.
Shrimp are decapod crustaceans that play a vital role in the food chain, serving as a food source for larger creatures such as fish and whales. Humans eat the muscular tails of various shrimp species that are frequently fished and farmed. Whiteleg, gigantic tiger prawn, akiami paste shrimp, southern rough Shrimp, and others are among the species that are commercially important.
Read More @ https://expressmyblog.blogspot.com/2022/06/shrimp-used-as-versatile-food-which-can.html