
Shipping quotes Melbourne
We offer you a full range of Air freight services matchingyour logistics requirements. Our team will customise a solution for youproviding the most suitable path to get your goods picked up or delivered.
Our high volume of parcels allows AFL to have the bestshipping rates for one-off and regular freight operations.
Australia Freight and Logistics has a highly experiencedcustoms brokerage team working 24/7, our agents are based in the main airportsand duty-free zones worldwide.
-Global Door to Door
-Door to Airport
-Airport to Door
-Dangerous goods
-Customs clearance and logistics documentation handling
-Air & Sea combined services
-Shipment consolidation
-Special logistics services
In Australia Freight & Logistics we are Import-Exportspecialists focused in FCL, LCL and oversize shipments. Our wide agent networkallows us to operate in more than 100 countries worldwide. AFL Sea Freight plusour own inland transport fleet gives you a chance of booking the best door todoor service Australia wide and Worldwide. Our logistics portfolio goes furtherthan standard logistics services, Australia Freight and Logistics offersCross Trade Service, organizing shipping and handling of your goods all overthe world from country A to country B but not through the country your businessis based.
-Shipment consolidation
-Refrigerated containers
-Container storage
-Port to Port logistics
-Oversize shipment
-Sea Freight compliance provided
-Door to Door service.
-Shipment insurance
In Australia Freight& Logistics we are Import-Export specialists focused in FCL, LCL andoversize shipments. Our wide agent network allows us to operate in more than100 countries worldwide. AFL Sea Freight plus our own inland transport fleetgives you a chance of booking the best door to door service Australia wide andWorldwide. Our logistics portfolio goes further than standard logistics services,Australia Freight and Logistics offers Cross Trade Service, organizing shippingand handling of your goods all over the world from country A to country B butnot through the country your business is based.
-Shipment consolidation
-Refrigerated containers
-Container storage
-Port to Port logistics
-Oversize shipment
-Sea Freight compliance provided
-Door to Door service.
-Shipment insurance
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