
What makes Grubhub stand apart from other food delivery apps?
Intuitiveness is the exact word that can define why Grubhub stands apart from other food ordering/delivery apps. Here is the list of innovations you need to know about Grubhub, which will inspire you to give it a shot in such innovative approaches.
Grubhub provides KIOSK machines, POS systems, inventory trackers, etc., in restaurants that they have tie-ups with. So, from these facilities, restaurants can benefit. Grubhub’s app also accommodates a table booking feature for its restaurants.
Recently, Grubhub has planned to deploy robot-based deliveries to college campuses. For this, Grubhub has partnered with Yandex, Russia’s internet-based company.
We all know about the reordering feature in food delivery apps. Grubhub has enhanced the reordering facility by letting users reorder the items through Alexa. Also, users can place orders through any of the smart devices, social media, etc.
Out of all, Grubhub’s captivating tweets on food items will create a sense of attraction among users.
Grubhub clone app
Grubhub clone app development is all about the readily available script and that you can modify it. Apart from customizing the app, there is no need to invest extra time to finalize the app as the whole process will fall under a few days.
First of all, if you are starting out with a lean budget, you can try the Minimum Viable Product. Since the MVP will contain only a few features, you must plan accordingly. Try your best to captivate users in the first go itself. Some of the features to be included in the MVP are a location tracker for users/delivery persons, an estimated delivery time calculator, a reordering feature, a live map coupled with a route optimizer for delivery persons, and most importantly analytics.