
Self-Reflection on Leadership and Followership
There are a variety of situations and experiences that can have an impact on how an individual would perform and behave in a leadership or following role. The academic Daniel Goleman asserts that it is essential to have a thorough understanding of one's own capabilities, both as a follower and as a leader, in order to be successful in both roles. According to Goleman, the most important quality of a leader is decisiveness rather than emotional intelligence. Abilities such as IQ and specialised talents certainly have a purpose; yet, they are classified as "threshold capabilities" due to their relatively low levels of importance. These abilities will only make it possible for someone to be considered for a leadership role; nevertheless, they will not necessarily make someone into a more effective leader. (Goleman, 2000) .There are a variety of traits that, taken together, can make a leader powerful, vulnerable, or even poisonous. The manner in which a leader makes use of their expertise is frequently the deciding factor in determining whether or not that leader is acting in a strong or weak manner.It is essential for a leader to have an accurate understanding of both their strengths and their weaknesses. When it comes to the strengths that can be derived from emotional intelligence, the ones that stand out the most for me are trustworthiness and a focus on service (Goleman, 2000). Being honest and having integrity on a consistent basis is the foundation of trustworthiness (Goleman, 2000). In addition, service orientation is predicated on the knowledge of a customer's requirements and the capacity to fulfil those requirements (Goleman, 2000). Because I am the kind of person that cares about others, I believe it is my duty to assist my customers while also being truthful with them. I take the initiative to manage the matter myself whenever it is feasible so that I may be more responsive in my role in the government. Nevertheless, there are numerous areas in which I struggle as a leader. Confidence in oneself and resistance to change are examples of some of the shortcomings (Goleman, 2000). Having a solid and good sense of self-worth is essential to developing one's self-confidence (Goleman, 2000). According to Merriam-Webster, acting as a change catalyst is taking the initiative to bring about desired changes in a manner that is both effective and efficient (n.d.). My lack of professional experience is the root of each and every one of these flaws. After completing my undergraduate degree and spending three months gaining experience in the sector of contracting as part of an internship, I have been working full time for the past four months since receiving my diploma. When it comes to doing business with the federal government, there is a high learning curve. My lack of experience has a negative impact on both my self-confidence and my capacity to make change. In conclusion, I am aware that as a leader I have flaws that will be improved upon as I gain more experience over the course of time. Essay writing Services of Academic Master is providing help to world wide people in their works for increasing performance.
As a follower, it is essential to have an understanding of both the individual's strengths and shortcomings. My ability to be conscientious and to manage disagreement are two of the characteristics that I bring to the role of a follower. "Conscientiousness" is defined as "the personality trait of a person who demonstrates an awareness of the impact that their own actions has on people around them," as stated by Waude (2017). In addition, conflict management involves the capability of diffusing situations in which tensions are rising to a high level and coming up with solutions to these problems. To ensure that my clients are able to fulfil the criteria of their missions at a price that is fair and acceptable, I make it a point to be as careful as possible and do everything in my power to ensure that they receive what they require. For instance, I am attempting to acquire a paint blast booth at the moment. My clients are currently transporting huge aircraft parts from Colorado to Wyoming in order to use the blasting facilities at another military post. In order to manage a conflict, one option would be to change the units on the contract so that a partial invoice can be sent. This would be an example of contract modification. I was able to prevent a claim from being lodged by modifying the contract so that it would permit a partial invoice. Every follower ought to be aware of their own capabilities.
As a follower, you will inevitably have some weaknesses. My lack of organisational awareness and my erroneous self-assessment are two of my flaws. The capacity to read the present lifestyle of an organisation and successfully manage politics is an essential component of organisational awareness. Working on a military post means engaging in politics within the military leadership in general, and on top of that, it involves engaging in multiple levels of leadership politics including civilians and members of the military. In order for me to fully comprehend the circumstance, my experience with office politics has been quite limited. According to Goleman (2000), doing an appropriate self-assessment necessitates making an honest evaluation of both one's capabilities and one's shortcomings.
Advice on How to Improve Your Strong Points and Weak Points as a Leader
In order to maintain their growth as leaders, it is necessary for them to hone the qualities that make them successful and work to improve the areas in which they fall short. It is critical that a positive and upbeat attitude be maintained at all times. This can be accomplished by having high expectations for one's team, providing incentives for the team, and recognising even the smallest victories (Gamelearn Team, 2019). According to Gamelearn Team (2019), it is essential to both trust and delegate authority within the team. This would make it possible to complete a greater number of tasks while also making use of one's creativity to approach those duties in a variety of different ways.It is essential to be conscious of the flaws in one's leadership style and to devise tactics to reduce instances of faltering self-confidence and actions that catalyse change. There are several strategies to boost one's self-confidence, some of which include building relationships with other people in leadership positions, gaining knowledge about leadership, and improving one's emotional intelligence (McCarthy, n.d.). It is beneficial to study what other leaders do and then network with others to identify how others put it into practise based on what you have learned from the other leaders. A crucial indicator of emotional intelligence is one's level of self-confidence (McCarthy, n.d.). It is impossible for a leader to act as a change agent unless they first create the conditions for transformation within their organisation. When desirable change takes place, there will be disruptions that, on balance, are for the best. If a leader is willing to encourage positive disruption, it will help operations become more efficient, which in turn will increase performance (Llopis, 2016). To continue one's own personal development as a leader, it is essential to focus on both one's strengths and faults.To be an effective follower, it is necessary to keep improving upon the abilities that one already possesses. There are two areas of strength that have room for development, and those are conscientiousness and the ability to manage conflict. Being conscientious requires having awareness of both the people around you and the circumstances. Being a good follower with awareness allows one to be aware of various audiences by learning how to read people and knowing what drives or bothers them. This allows one to be aware of diverse audiences (Moran, 2014). In addition, conflict resolution is an important talent for both followers and leaders to possess. It is essential to have an awareness of the various varieties of conflict, which can be broken down as follows: power conflict, value conflict, and economic conflict (Smiley, 2018). According to Smiley (2018), one of the most important factors in successfully resolving a disagreement is having the ability to manage the conflict when it arises. To become a better and more improved follower, continued growth and development of strengths will be of great assistance.Even when one is following, there is still a chance of experiencing weakness. A lack of organisational knowledge and an erroneous self-assessment can both be considered weaknesses. According to Leto (2018), it is useful to create more informed judgments and construct a clearer plan when a company has a higher level of organisational awareness. To improve one's organisational awareness, it is helpful to have an understanding of the impact that one's activities have, both on the organisation itself and on the individuals around it (Leto, 2018). In addition, conducting an assessment of oneself allows for the development of a deeper comprehension of one's own capabilities, characteristics, and personality, all of which contribute to the process of becoming a more capable follower. Formal training, continuing education, and hands-on workshops are all excellent avenues for skill development. The cultivation of an understanding of the values that one brings to the table as well as the ways in which one's personality may effect situations is knowledge that is beneficial. It is essential to have a good understanding of the areas for improvement as well as the deficiencies that exist.