Scanning and OCR
Scanning and OCR
By outsourcing scanning services, you stand toreap the benefits of scanning two fold.

Scanning and OCR

Outsource Scanning Services :


Outsource scanning significantly reduces the total documentmanagement expenses incurred by businesses that rely heavily on hard copydocuments. Moreover, outsource scanning ensures that businesses spend more timeand resources of key business processes that contribute to the value that theircustomers ultimately purchase. By outsourcing scanning services, you stand toreap the benefits of scanning two fold.


We at Ask Datatech offer outsourcing scanning solutions tobusinesses that are aware of their precious value chain.

 Why Us? :


Many clients continue to outsource their scanning servicesto us. We continue to pride ourselves in our affordability, our capacity tohandle large amounts of data and our global appeal. Our expeditious and lowcost scanning services mean that our clients are able to increase theirproductivity, overall performance and profitability. As a result, they caneasily ascertain their return on investment. Although providing high qualityscanning services to our clients is our first priority, we also develop solidrelationships with our clients based on mutual benefit and trust. You aretherefore better of outsourcing your data capture activities to our companythat is based in India.

 Input And Output of Our Scanning Services :


That is why offer high quality scanning services to ourclients. They begin with us receiving physical documents for scanning andindexing such as address lists, invoices, purchase orders, resumes, businessforms, cheques, surveys, insurance forms, patient charts, litigation and casefiles, lease agreements, import and export documentation, student records andtax forms. They then culminate in us delivering documents of various formatssuch as tagged image file formats, joint photographic expert group formats(jpeg) and portable document formats (PDF).

 Factors To Consider When Selecting Document ScanningService:


Different project specifications and document types requiredifferent types of scanners and digital recognition software. As a result,there are certain factors to consider when selecting document scanning theappropriate type of document offshore scanning services. These factors toconsider are cost, speed and quality. In terms of cost, the rule of thumb isthat the more specialized an offshore scanning services provider is, the lowerthe cost charged. In the same spirit, the more specialized or large a scanningservices provider is, the more likely it is to deliver fast scanning services.Quality is a factor that should never be compromised when seeking documentoffshore scanning services.

 Outsource Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Services :


We at Datatech are among the leading providers of offshoreOCR services in India. This is because we have a team of highly diligentexperts who use top notch OCR systems that allow us to offer economical datamanagement solutions to our various clients. Integration of optical scannersand modern OCR software is the foundation of our OCR systems. With OCR systems,data capture from various sources such as handwritten documents, printeddocuments and microfilms is far more accurate and faster compared to manualsystems. This data can then be stored in a format that is compatible with ourdocument management software. With this software, we have ultimate control overall our digitized data.

 Outsource OCR and OMR Activities To Us :


We at Datatech treasure it when our clients outsource theirOCR and OMR activities to our team based in India. Outsourcing OCR and OMRactivities is one of the many services we offer to our clients. Documents suchas insurance forms, medical forms, survey forms, banking forms, magazines,periodicals, journals and directories can be scanned to standard TIFF, PDF andother formats according to client specification. Using our latest scanningtechnology, we are also able to convert scanned image data into digital textfiles.


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