
The avocado oil market is expected togain considerable growth across the assessment period of 2017-2025, owing totheir exceptional nutritional content presence. The use of avocado oil incooking and hair and skincare solutions will bring promising growth. Inaddition, it is rich in texture and tastes good. All these factors bringtremendous growth opportunities for the avocado oil market.
· The pharmaceutical sector also generates extensive demand for avocadooil due to its exponential health benefits. The products also have anantioxidant, moisturizing, and toning effect that helps maintain the quality ofthe skin. Thus, all these aspects bode well for the growth of the avocado oilmarket.
· The players indulge in expansion activities and advertising strategies.Expansion activities help in seamless production and distribution of theproducts, while advertising strategies help reach out to the consumer andultimately increase the revenues. All these aspects bring immense growth to theavocado oil market.
· Research and development activities also play a vital role in the growthof the avocado oil market. The players indulge in mergers, acquisitions, jointventures, and partnerships for increasing their influence across the avocadooil market. This aspect eventually strengthens the web of growth across theavocado oil market.
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Avocado oil is directly extractedfrom the pulp of avocado fruit, instead of seed, like other oils. Most fruitsprimarily contain carbohydrates; however, avocado is high in fiber, potassium,possesses rich texture, healthy fats, good flavor, and guacamole. Pulp of theavocado fruit consists of about 30% oil, which is majorly composed of 20different vitamins including vitamin K, C, E, B5, B6, omega 9 fatty acid, andoleic acid. Avocado oil is used in cooking oil and hair and skin care solutionsdue to its proven powerful health benefits. There are various types ofavocados, which vary according to shape, from pear-shaped to round or and fromgreen to black colored avocado; however, a highly popular type is the Hassavocado. Avocadoes do not contain any sodium or cholesterol, and they furtherhelps reduce blood triglycerides, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol andHDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol levels significantly.
Factors such as positive perceptionamong health experts and consumers, nutrient rich composition, and risingawareness about healthy lifestyle are some of the factors which are expected todrive the global avocado market during the forecast period. Significant rise inhealth issues such as heart diseases and chronic diseases arising fromsubstantial consumption of high fat butter and oils is boosting the demand forhealthy oils. Some beneficial properties of avocado oils such as an optimumlevel of antioxidants and good fatty acids are the primary reasons for healthexperts to recommend its consumption. Furthermore, the availability of avocadoall year round provides it with a competitive advantage to sustain demand allyear. A major factor which is likely to hamper the market is the price ofavocado oil. Avocado oils are marginally expensive, especially in developingcountries, which is expected to hinder the adoption of avocado products. Amajor trend observed in market is mixing of flavored avocado oil with naturaledible oils including almond oil, olive oil, safflower oil, coconutoil, grape seed oil, and shea butter. The mixture is blended in such a waythat, characteristics of each oil can complement each other.
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The global avocado oil market can besegmented based on type, variety, application, and region. Owing to thepresence of numerous varieties of avocados, oil can be extracted from varioussources. Therefore, based on variety, the market can be classified into Hass,Pinkerton, Gwen, Lamb Hass, Bacon, Zutano, Fuerte, and others. The Hass segmentis expected to hold a significant share of the market share during the forecastperiod due to its considerable popularity and major health benefits. In termsof type, the avocado oil market can be segregated into extra-virgin oil, virginoil, pure oil, and blends oil. Extra-virgin oil is extracted from superiorquality avocado fruits at low temperatures without the addition of any chemicaladditives. Extra-virgin oil is of highest quality among all four type. Based onapplication, the market can be classified into personal care products, cooking,medicinal products, and others. Avocado oil is an ideal choice as frying oilwhile cooking due to its high smoking point. In terms of region, the globalavocado oil market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Middle East &Africa, Asia Pacific, and South America. Developed regions, including the U.S.and Western Europe where awareness and price are not major concerns, areexpected to witness strong demand for avocado oil. Countries in South Americaincluding Dominican Republic, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombiaare major producers of avocado in the world.
Key players operating in the globalavocado oil market include Bella Vado, Olivado, SESAJAL S.A. de C.V., CHOSENFOODS LLC, Avocado Global Pte Ltd, Avoolio Oil De Mexico, BIO Planète, Kevala,The Village Press, Tron Hermanos, and La Tourangelle.