
Global PolymerConcrete Market: Overview
Polymer concrete is a compound, whichuses synthetic organic polymer as binder. Portland cement has been completely replaced byplastic resin concrete or synthetic resin concrete, which is then mixed withhardening agent, sand, gravel, filler, or quartz powder. The chemical presentin this material exhibits various different properties such as high impactstrength, high compressive strength, fast curing, high resistance to chemicalattack, abrasion, and low permeability. The primary method of producing polymerconcrete is by reduction of volume of voids in aggregates which would lower thequantity of polymer required for binding these aggregates. Binding is achievedby properly grading the aggregate in order to maintain less voids and maximumdensity. The properties of polymer concrete are highly dependent on the type,amount, and the properties of polymers in the concrete being used. The cost ofpolymer concrete is higher than that of cement.
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Polymer concrete materials can bebroadly classified into Polymer Portland Cement Concrete (PPCC), PolymerImpregnated Concrete (PIC), and Sulfur-Impregnated Concrete. PPCC uses polymersand cement to form polymer cement concrete. It exhibits distinct propertiesthan that of normal concrete such as durability to freezing, excellent ductility,and resistance to penetration by salt and water. It is used widely inmortars, flooring, patching compounds, etc. PIC usesthe general procedure of impregnation of removing water by drying. It offersproperties such as high strength, resistance to corrosion which is particularlyused in structural elements and bridge decks. Sulfur impregnated concreteincreases the strength by its interaction between sulfur and calcium hydroxide.This provides it with chemical resistance. Sulfur impregnated concrete iswidely employed in industrial plants. Polymer binder can be thermoplastic orthermosetting polymer. Thermoplastics can be heated and formed repeatedly,while thermosetting can only be heated and shaped once. Polymer binders arefrequently of thermosetting type.
Polymer concrete is used in variousapplications. It is extensively used in nuclear power plants, marine works,industrial tanks, water storage systems, sewage works,waterproofing structures, industrial plants, desalination plants, prefabricatedstructural elements, bridge drainage system, linear drainage system,electrolysis of non-ferrous metals, etc. Growth in transportation and increasein infrastructural activities are the major factors driving the demand forpolymer concrete. Also due to its distinct superior characteristics, increasein the need of material with high toughness, strength, durability andductability are one of the important factor for using environment friendlyconcrete. High cost of polymer concrete is a restraining factor for the polymerconcrete market. Thus, polymer concrete can only be used in applications thatrequire low energy consumption and less manpower.
In terms of demand, Asia Pacific isleading the polymer concrete market across the globe. This trend is expectedcontinue during the forecast period, led by growth in transportation andinfrastructure industries in the region. The U.S. also accounts for significantshare of the polymer concrete market in terms of demand due to the expansion ofthe construction industry in the country. The polymer concrete market in Europeand Middle East & Africa is expanding at a sluggish pace than that in otherregions. Replacement of the existing concrete, increase in awareness about theusage of polymers, and development of new cheaper products are likely to offerimmense opportunities for the polymer concrete market. Rest of the World marketaccounts for small share of the polymer concrete market; however, the region’sshare is anticipated to increase during the forecast period.
Key manufacturers and suppliers inthe polymer concrete market include Bechtel Corporation, BASF, Bouygues S.A.,Forte Composites Inc, Wacker Chemie AG, Kwik Bond Polymers, and ACO Group ofCompanies.