
Pol gallagher architect
ZAP Architecture was founded by Pol Gallagher after winning an International Design competition to design Dublin City University. Pol has worked at the prestigious Grimshaw Architects and Hopkins Architects in London before going it alone. ZAP formed in 2013 with an ambition to disrupt the typical London architecture office culture (which ZAP felt was very white, middle class and pandering to the financial pressures of greedy developers). This caused ZAP to write their own briefs for empty parcels of land around London – and approach the landowners with concepts and pitch packs. This has led to some of London’s best visited outdoor venues and pop-ups, as well as multi-unit residential housing schemes. ZAP Architecture is a high end design collaborative blurring the boundaries between art and architecture. Currently ZAP employs 5 talented ‘designers’; with an overriding philosophy of ignoring the hierarchical levels of part 1, part 2 or part 3 within the studio. The part 1 has as much ability and right to show off their concepts as the part 3 RIBA accredited architect. This encourages confidence and vitality in young designers.
ZAP Architecture is a high end design collaborative blurring the boundaries between art and architecture. ZAP aim to go the extra mile for their clients to ...
020 3761 4996
ZAPspace, 369 High street, London E15 4QZ, UK