
Pigments for Water Based Dispersion
Namaste! Welcome to the world of AMI PHTHALO, a leading manufacturerof ALPHA BLUE pigments since 1979. Charting our journey from a nascent playerto celebrating our 40th year of establishment in this year, we have truly comea long way to become a globally recognized player.
Our flagship brand AMITLITE ALPHA BLUE offers some outstandingfeatures like great colour value, outstanding dispersion, high heat resistanceand also a good filter pressure value. The ALPHA BLUE range of products arehighly recommended for various industries including Plastics, Rubber, Coatings,Inks and Textiles.
AMI PHTHALO is based out of Ahmedabad (India) and our ALPHA BLUEmanufacturing plant has a government permitted capacity of 1800 MTPA. We havesome of the most modern & automated manufacturing machineries along withexpensive R&D facilities. Our In-process Testing Lab is equipped latest QCtools like Twin Screw Extrusion Line with Mixer, Filter Pressure Value Tester,Lab Blown Film Plant, Lab Injection Molding Plant, Twin Roll Mill and HydraulicPress for Plastic Application testing.
It is only after most precise and optimal production that ourpigments are shipped out of our premises where they have wide application baseacross Polypropylene Fiber, Tarpauli, Roto Moulding, Rubber, Blow Moulding,Coatings & Inks, Non-Woven Fabric, Injection Moulding & Textiles.
We at AMI PHTHALO PIGMENTS are passionate to provide our esteemedclients with products that meet their expectations. So let us embark on a newjourney because if it’s blue, it needs to be from AMI PHTHALO!
For more information , talk to us on: +9I – 9824O 31451 OR email
Namaste! Welcome to the world of AMI PHTHALO, a leading manufacturerof ALPHA BLUE pigments since 1979. Charting our journey from a nascent playerto celebrating our 40th year of establishment in this year, we have truly comea long way to become a globally recognized player.
Our flagship brand AMITLITE ALPHA BLUE offers some outstandingfeatures like great colour value, outstanding dispersion, high heat resistanceand also a good filter pressure value. The ALPHA BLUE range of products arehighly recommended for various industries including Plastics, Rubber, Coatings,Inks and Textiles.
AMI PHTHALO is based out of Ahmedabad (India) and our ALPHA BLUEmanufacturing plant has a government permitted capacity of 1800 MTPA. We havesome of the most modern & automated manufacturing machineries along withexpensive R&D facilities. Our In-process Testing Lab is equipped latest QCtools like Twin Screw Extrusion Line with Mixer, Filter Pressure Value Tester,Lab Blown Film Plant, Lab Injection Molding Plant, Twin Roll Mill and HydraulicPress for Plastic Application testing.
It is only after most precise and optimal production that our pigmentsare shipped out of our premises where they have wide application base acrossPolypropylene Fiber, Tarpauli, Roto Moulding, Rubber, Blow Moulding, Coatings& Inks, Non-Woven Fabric, Injection Moulding & Textiles. We manufacturehigh quality water based pigment dispersions. Find Water Based Coatings forPigments. Our Pigments for Dispersion, Pigments for Water Based Dispersion arevariety of water-based pigment dispersions with consistent strength & shadespecifications for mass tone and tint. We are preferred manufacturer, supplier,exporters of Pigments for Water Based Dispersion, Water Based Coatings ForPigments. Contact Amiphthalo, Water Based Coatings For Pigments. We usedifferent paints for Water Based Pigment Dispersions, Pigments for Color Masterbatch
We at AMI PHTHALO PIGMENTS are passionate to provide our esteemedclients with products that meet their expectations. So let us embark on a newjourney because if it’s blue, it needs to be from AMI PHTHALO!
For more information, talk to us on: +9I – 9824O 31451 OR email on:
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Pigments for Color Masterbatch, Pigments for Water Based Dispersion, Pigment Manufacturers In Ahmadabad