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Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessment of the current market landscape,including information on drug developer(s),
§ A detailed assessment of the current market landscape ofcompanies offering patient recruitment and retention services, includinginformation on over 10 types of patient outreach methods employed, types ofservices offered ([A] patient recruitment (including pre-screening andInstitutional Review Board (IRB) / Ethics Committee (EC) submission), [B]patient retention (considering various strategies, such as the use ofstudy-branded gifts, study-branded reminders, providing education and supportmaterials, reimbursement programs, transportation programs, patient engagementweb site, patient reconnect programs, mobile applications to track patientengagement and others) and [C] other associated services (including siteidentification and selection, study feasibility / protocol development, projectmanagement, clinical trial monitoring and other services), year ofestablishment, geographical location, and size of company. The chapter alsocovers an analysis of the geographical reach and therapeutic expertise ofservice providers, along with details on the payment model, patient recruitmentplatforms / technologies used, and the various certifications / accreditationsawarded by regulatory bodies.
§ An analysis of the most active regions (in terms of patientrecruitment activity), based on the locations of headquarters of companiesengaged in this domain, featuring schematic world map representations thathighlight key hubs across the globe.
§ An insightful 2X2 representation of the results of acompetitiveness analysis of various service providers (segregated into threepeer groups based on their employee count (small-sized (1-50 employees),mid-sized (50-200 employees) and large (>200 employees)), highlightingcapable players in this domain, based on their respective capabilities.
§ Comprehensive profiles of patient recruitment and retentionservice providers, featuring information on the location of their headquarters,year of establishment, patient recruitment services / platforms portfolio,recent developments and a comprehensive future outlook.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been establishedin the recent past, covering outsourcing agreements, service alliances,acquisitions, joint ventures, mergers, technology licensing and developmentagreements, and other forms of partnerships.
§ A review of emerging trends in the industry, including theuse of social media, mobile technologies, EHRs and RWE, to overcome thechallenges associated with patient recruitment and retention.
Thereport also features the likely distribution of the current and forecastedopportunity across important market segments, mentioned below:
§ Therapeutic Area
§ Oncology
§ Infectious Diseases
§ CardiovascularDiseases
§ CNS Disorders
§ Respiratory Disorders
§ Metabolic Disorders
§ Others
§ Steps in PatientRecruitment Process
§ Pre-screening
§ Screening
§ Phase of Development
§ Phase I
§ Phase II
§ Phase III
§ Phase IV
§ Key GeographicalRegion
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ Rest of the world
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